RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN long hair and psychic abilities
It turned out a very interesting fact about the long hair, which is worth knowing!
All of us are accustomed to believe that hair styling is very important and it is said that you are going to keep up with fashion. But in the old days it was a little different. It turned out a very interesting fact, long hair in men associated with his consciousness, or sixth sense. Amazing, is not it? Let's delve into this topic.
During the Vietnam War, the military authorities sent riot police undercover agents in search of talented young people among Native Americans, who were endowed with supernatural powers.
004Byla selected a couple of American Indians, and what happened after - amazing. Once they have joined the ranks of the military, their natural skills and the ability to access sixth sense simply disappeared. During the test, to find out what is it that went wrong, a senior Indian said that after they made a military haircut, they no longer feel the enemy, lost their intuition as well as extrasensory abilities.
So after this case, the rest of the Indians, who were hired to work, allowed to have long hair and we cut them. And as it turned out, a man with a military haircut works much worse than the guys with long hair. As a result, it was announced that the Native Americans are allowed to wear long hair.
After reading this, I just realized that Sikhism (one of religious movements) also requires men to wear long hair, it is a symbol of spirituality. There are five items that Sikh must keep as a sign of their faith, one of them is just hair, "Cash (or hair) Khalsa recalls that he must behave like a guru. This is a sign of loyalty and group consciousness, showing that God's will Khalsa took ».
Long hair long been a common element among many spiritual prophets such as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Shiva, and it's worth remembering the story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible, when Samson lost all his strength to hair loss.
Hair - a continuation of the human nervous system and they emit energy from the brain to the external environment. This information channel that reaches the brain, so that when we cut the hair, the reception and transmission of signals to and from the environment - at a loss.
By Bhavika

All of us are accustomed to believe that hair styling is very important and it is said that you are going to keep up with fashion. But in the old days it was a little different. It turned out a very interesting fact, long hair in men associated with his consciousness, or sixth sense. Amazing, is not it? Let's delve into this topic.
During the Vietnam War, the military authorities sent riot police undercover agents in search of talented young people among Native Americans, who were endowed with supernatural powers.
004Byla selected a couple of American Indians, and what happened after - amazing. Once they have joined the ranks of the military, their natural skills and the ability to access sixth sense simply disappeared. During the test, to find out what is it that went wrong, a senior Indian said that after they made a military haircut, they no longer feel the enemy, lost their intuition as well as extrasensory abilities.
So after this case, the rest of the Indians, who were hired to work, allowed to have long hair and we cut them. And as it turned out, a man with a military haircut works much worse than the guys with long hair. As a result, it was announced that the Native Americans are allowed to wear long hair.
After reading this, I just realized that Sikhism (one of religious movements) also requires men to wear long hair, it is a symbol of spirituality. There are five items that Sikh must keep as a sign of their faith, one of them is just hair, "Cash (or hair) Khalsa recalls that he must behave like a guru. This is a sign of loyalty and group consciousness, showing that God's will Khalsa took ».
Long hair long been a common element among many spiritual prophets such as Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Shiva, and it's worth remembering the story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible, when Samson lost all his strength to hair loss.
Hair - a continuation of the human nervous system and they emit energy from the brain to the external environment. This information channel that reaches the brain, so that when we cut the hair, the reception and transmission of signals to and from the environment - at a loss.
By Bhavika
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