Tragic and enchanting LIFE Keanu Reeves
In the life of 50-year-old Keanu was much greater tragedy than we could expect ...
In 1999, starred in the hit sci-fi movie "The Matrix", Keanu Reeves has become famous throughout the world. The film is really a hit - alone box office in theaters amounted to $ 463 as much as a half million dollars. Yes, and four received "Oscar" also says a lot. "The Matrix" has largely become a story of happiness and success, and its ending is encouraging, but the life of an actor, who played a major role in it, was not so rosy.
In fact in the life of 50-year-old Keanu was much greater tragedy than we might expect. But despite all the obstacles that life threw up in front of him, he continued to move forward. And they eventually helped him become a remarkable man, whom we see in cinemas and beyond.
When Keanu was only three years old, his parents divorced. And, although for some time after the divorce they have continued to communicate, because of frequent relocations from place to place this dialogue will soon come to naught. Keanu had to replace four high schools that, in conjunction with congenital dyslexia does not facilitate the learning process for him. In the end, he did not get a diploma, but by the force of will he still managed to overcome dyslexia, and he became an avid bookworms.
At the age of 23, he lost his closest friend River Phoenix - he died. Asked by a fan on Reddit last year, Keanu said of River Phoenix as follows: "He was a wonderful man and an actor. We got on very well, and I really miss him. I often think back about it. »
In 1998, Keanu met Jennifer Syme. They fell in love to distraction. In 1999, Jennifer became pregnant, and the happy couple expecting a daughter ... Unfortunately, as a result of early birth eight months the baby was born dead. The pair was literally crushed by the tragedy - perhaps it was she eventually caused their breakup. After 18 months, Syme died in a car crash.
As Reeves said in an interview given in 2006, the magazine «Parade Magazine», «grief can change the shape, but it never ends." And it is - the truth of those who will sooner or later have to learn all of us.
But even after all these losses and tragedies Reeves continued to go forward. He starred in a pile of blockbusters, and became a very rich man, but his loss completely changed his outlook on money. His name is always found among the donors to charity, and in this respect Keanu is among the most generous actors in Hollywood. After the success of the trilogy "The Matrix" Reeves gave $ 80 million of its 114 millionth fee commands makeup and special effects work on films. And he agreed to cut his fee for filming "The Replacements" and "Devil's Advocate", to give an opportunity to invite the films of such stars as Gene Hackman and Al Pacino, laid in the original budget.
Says a lot about his kindness. Thus, the user Reddit Kahi said meme "Sad Keanu" as follows:
"A friend of my family worked on sets for films. He did not design them, it was an ordinary worker. And, well, he has worked on the sets for "The Matrix" and Keanu heard about his problems in the family, and to help, threw him a bonus of 20,000 for Christmas. And he was the only actor in the whole film, which was interesting, as someone called who sincerely with all greeted and spoke with the technical staff, as equals, not considering himself above them because they simply engaged in scenery. I've never heard of anyone named Keanu swine or goat, and judging by the stories of people who had dealings with him, he can perhaps be called the best man in the whole Hollywood ».
In his interview, he said he does not like pereuslozhnyat life. And in an interview with the magazine «Hello!» In 2006, he said, also the following: "Money - the last thing I'm worried about. I could live on what I have already earned several centuries ».
Although the state of the actor, according to some estimates, more than a hundred million dollars, it still rides on the subway. And there behaves very well.
I believe that all this can be summarized as follows: a really strong personality for anything and never allow yourself to break any odds.
In 1999, starred in the hit sci-fi movie "The Matrix", Keanu Reeves has become famous throughout the world. The film is really a hit - alone box office in theaters amounted to $ 463 as much as a half million dollars. Yes, and four received "Oscar" also says a lot. "The Matrix" has largely become a story of happiness and success, and its ending is encouraging, but the life of an actor, who played a major role in it, was not so rosy.
In fact in the life of 50-year-old Keanu was much greater tragedy than we might expect. But despite all the obstacles that life threw up in front of him, he continued to move forward. And they eventually helped him become a remarkable man, whom we see in cinemas and beyond.
When Keanu was only three years old, his parents divorced. And, although for some time after the divorce they have continued to communicate, because of frequent relocations from place to place this dialogue will soon come to naught. Keanu had to replace four high schools that, in conjunction with congenital dyslexia does not facilitate the learning process for him. In the end, he did not get a diploma, but by the force of will he still managed to overcome dyslexia, and he became an avid bookworms.
At the age of 23, he lost his closest friend River Phoenix - he died. Asked by a fan on Reddit last year, Keanu said of River Phoenix as follows: "He was a wonderful man and an actor. We got on very well, and I really miss him. I often think back about it. »
In 1998, Keanu met Jennifer Syme. They fell in love to distraction. In 1999, Jennifer became pregnant, and the happy couple expecting a daughter ... Unfortunately, as a result of early birth eight months the baby was born dead. The pair was literally crushed by the tragedy - perhaps it was she eventually caused their breakup. After 18 months, Syme died in a car crash.
As Reeves said in an interview given in 2006, the magazine «Parade Magazine», «grief can change the shape, but it never ends." And it is - the truth of those who will sooner or later have to learn all of us.
But even after all these losses and tragedies Reeves continued to go forward. He starred in a pile of blockbusters, and became a very rich man, but his loss completely changed his outlook on money. His name is always found among the donors to charity, and in this respect Keanu is among the most generous actors in Hollywood. After the success of the trilogy "The Matrix" Reeves gave $ 80 million of its 114 millionth fee commands makeup and special effects work on films. And he agreed to cut his fee for filming "The Replacements" and "Devil's Advocate", to give an opportunity to invite the films of such stars as Gene Hackman and Al Pacino, laid in the original budget.
Says a lot about his kindness. Thus, the user Reddit Kahi said meme "Sad Keanu" as follows:
"A friend of my family worked on sets for films. He did not design them, it was an ordinary worker. And, well, he has worked on the sets for "The Matrix" and Keanu heard about his problems in the family, and to help, threw him a bonus of 20,000 for Christmas. And he was the only actor in the whole film, which was interesting, as someone called who sincerely with all greeted and spoke with the technical staff, as equals, not considering himself above them because they simply engaged in scenery. I've never heard of anyone named Keanu swine or goat, and judging by the stories of people who had dealings with him, he can perhaps be called the best man in the whole Hollywood ».
In his interview, he said he does not like pereuslozhnyat life. And in an interview with the magazine «Hello!» In 2006, he said, also the following: "Money - the last thing I'm worried about. I could live on what I have already earned several centuries ».
Although the state of the actor, according to some estimates, more than a hundred million dollars, it still rides on the subway. And there behaves very well.
I believe that all this can be summarized as follows: a really strong personality for anything and never allow yourself to break any odds.
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