Let's look at seven of the rules of purity, which give us wise men, following which can make their lives better.
We are not used when we recommend the Eastern sages, but they laid the truth open since ancient times. You can take their philosophy, can not be taken, but to pass by and not know it ... Today, let's look at seven of the rules of purity, which give us wise men, following which can make their lives better. The essence of these rules is that the net has to be not only the body and clothing, and soul, thoughts and deeds.
So, here are 7 of the rules of purity of the Eastern sages:
Clean hands. Do not take anything too much and that is not yours. Give your unwanted items to those who need them.
Clean ears. Do not listen to the wicked, fussy, frightened people. To protect yourself from gossip, profanity and empty meaningless conversations.
Cleanliness of the eye. Protect your eyes from anger, envy, hatred and lust.
Clean mouth. Silence is gold. Do not be too wordy, do not use foul language.
Cleanliness of the body and clothing. Be neat and clean, in fact meet on clothes.
Purity of thought. Get rid of negative thoughts and evil thoughts. Do not be self-pity.
Purity of heart and soul. Do not ignore the spiritual impulses. Love, without demanding anything in return. To be able to experience happiness.

We are not used when we recommend the Eastern sages, but they laid the truth open since ancient times. You can take their philosophy, can not be taken, but to pass by and not know it ... Today, let's look at seven of the rules of purity, which give us wise men, following which can make their lives better. The essence of these rules is that the net has to be not only the body and clothing, and soul, thoughts and deeds.
So, here are 7 of the rules of purity of the Eastern sages:
Clean hands. Do not take anything too much and that is not yours. Give your unwanted items to those who need them.
Clean ears. Do not listen to the wicked, fussy, frightened people. To protect yourself from gossip, profanity and empty meaningless conversations.
Cleanliness of the eye. Protect your eyes from anger, envy, hatred and lust.
Clean mouth. Silence is gold. Do not be too wordy, do not use foul language.
Cleanliness of the body and clothing. Be neat and clean, in fact meet on clothes.
Purity of thought. Get rid of negative thoughts and evil thoughts. Do not be self-pity.
Purity of heart and soul. Do not ignore the spiritual impulses. Love, without demanding anything in return. To be able to experience happiness.