13 Rules of Life Sergei Mavrodi
Sergei Mavrodi ambiguous personality, we can treat it badly, can positively and can and does. Some consider it crazy, some swindler, but converge in the opinion that it is a kind of genius. He managed to earn millions on people's desire to get rich quick on human greed and continues to do so successfully.
We have compiled 13 of the rules, or better said Sergei Mavrodi tips culled from numerous speeches, books or interviews:
You can not be afraid of anything! Neither this nor other world. Fear - humiliates. You lose yourself.
Everything has its melting point. Friendship, loyalty, love, honor ... Everything! And God forbid you to check this terrible truth, in practice, on the people close to you. In general, there is an abyss in which man is better not to look. Because there's nothing there, except treason, lies, dirt and infamy.
Excessive insight suspicious. Every fact in itself judges. Only the villain is always alert and expects all a trick. Normal human evil is always zastaёt surprise.
Yes, people are angry. But you kindly!
If you wronged, humiliated, insulted your dignity and honor - fight! You all available ways and means, and in spite of everything, and not looking back. Defend her this honor! At any cost. Anyone !!! For honor before shooting. If you are silent, allowing themselves to be treated like a dumb beast, like a slave, then what are you setuesh? Slaves have no honor.
There is only the first place. And - all the others.
The world is bad? Well, to make it better!
Choosing the lesser of two evils, remember that you still choose evil.
Never listen to anyone's advice! Especially all sorts of "experts." Remember the warning of Napoleon: "Everything went well I, until I started to listen to the advice of experts." And never rely on someone not in serious cases. It is an illusion that someone will do for you what you should do yourself.
Ranging need only when choosing targets. Then you just have to act.
Money should never be missed. As much as they were not. How would the system was not high. After all, you always strive to build more. Sverhsistemu! This is development. The emergence of surplus funds - the first signs of decline. Stagnation. Decay! The first flakes of foam on yet crystal-clear, smooth and untroubled surface.
What money can not buy? Just because you can not sell. Do you have it? How to make a million? Since you ask, the answer does not make sense.
Money - is always the goal! For all. All the show-off bash only that they have to de - agent. For some, there, their great deeds. Well, for Napoleon, they can, and indeed have been a means. But how many of you have seen in our Gousinoozerskaya Napoleon?
We have compiled 13 of the rules, or better said Sergei Mavrodi tips culled from numerous speeches, books or interviews:
You can not be afraid of anything! Neither this nor other world. Fear - humiliates. You lose yourself.
Everything has its melting point. Friendship, loyalty, love, honor ... Everything! And God forbid you to check this terrible truth, in practice, on the people close to you. In general, there is an abyss in which man is better not to look. Because there's nothing there, except treason, lies, dirt and infamy.
Excessive insight suspicious. Every fact in itself judges. Only the villain is always alert and expects all a trick. Normal human evil is always zastaёt surprise.
Yes, people are angry. But you kindly!
If you wronged, humiliated, insulted your dignity and honor - fight! You all available ways and means, and in spite of everything, and not looking back. Defend her this honor! At any cost. Anyone !!! For honor before shooting. If you are silent, allowing themselves to be treated like a dumb beast, like a slave, then what are you setuesh? Slaves have no honor.
There is only the first place. And - all the others.
The world is bad? Well, to make it better!
Choosing the lesser of two evils, remember that you still choose evil.
Never listen to anyone's advice! Especially all sorts of "experts." Remember the warning of Napoleon: "Everything went well I, until I started to listen to the advice of experts." And never rely on someone not in serious cases. It is an illusion that someone will do for you what you should do yourself.
Ranging need only when choosing targets. Then you just have to act.
Money should never be missed. As much as they were not. How would the system was not high. After all, you always strive to build more. Sverhsistemu! This is development. The emergence of surplus funds - the first signs of decline. Stagnation. Decay! The first flakes of foam on yet crystal-clear, smooth and untroubled surface.
What money can not buy? Just because you can not sell. Do you have it? How to make a million? Since you ask, the answer does not make sense.
Money - is always the goal! For all. All the show-off bash only that they have to de - agent. For some, there, their great deeds. Well, for Napoleon, they can, and indeed have been a means. But how many of you have seen in our Gousinoozerskaya Napoleon?