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6 symptoms of mental illness mistaken for WHIMS

The behavior of each of us there exists some kind of fad, which we think is peculiar only to us. And in vain think. Because, according to science, each of our petty whim, habit or "pet peeve" You can find a strictly scientific explanation.
The behavior of each of us there exists some kind of fad, which we think is peculiar only to us. And in vain think. Because, according to science, each of our petty whim, habit or "pet peeve" You can find a strictly scientific explanation.

1. The fear of urinating in the presence of other people
If you had to worry about anything like that - you know, you're not alone. This condition is called paruresis or, if simpler, fear of urinating in public. Affected paruresis people can not relieve themselves in front of others, even imaginary. This problem occurs most often in men, but women, too, from time to time happens. Scientists claim that seven per cent of people at some point in their lives have experienced this state.

In the most serious cases suffering paruresis able to go to the toilet just in their own home when they are assured that next to no one, and in the near future is not expected. It comes to the fact that some sufferers have to enter the catheter. Paruresis becomes particularly problematic when it is necessary to pass a drug test, so the UK is a disorder considered a valid reason for exemption from the tests associated with urine. And in America paruresis - a good reason to refuse to serve as juror.

2. nail obkusyvaniya
Onychophagia - one of the most common mental disorders, which is expressed in onychophagia. This scourge is subject to about 45 percent of people aged 10 to 18 years (most of them - women). Among the suffering Onychophagia meet and celebrities - Britney Spears, Jacqueline Kennedy, Eva Mendes ...

In this state, too, it is light and heavy forms. In serious cases, it may irreparably damaged cuticle, sometimes teeth. In addition, we must not forget about microbes that such a person ever launches into his body.

And even worse - this seemingly innocent habit can affect the ability to work, self-esteem and social interaction. That is to destroy life.

3. Forced emotional expression
Present: Chief chastises you for any serious mistake, and you feel that even second and burst out laughing, and nothing can help it. Trying to pull himself together - you know just what it is you face, but how would you yourself do not hold back, look guilty gradually replaced by a silly smile, then a strangled laugh and soon one of you sees a real, open a loud, hysterical laughter.

If you ever experienced anything like that, it is quite possible to suffer a syndrome called "violent emotional expression", also known as "pseudobulbar affect".

The man in this condition responds to a stressful situation quite the opposite reaction than that which it would be logical to expect. For example, depressed by good news or start giggling at the wrong places.

In addition, if a person is a pleasure to laugh at someone's bad luck or blunders, it can also be a mental disorder, which is called "katagelastitsizm." In the medical literature, it is described as a "mental disorder in which a person is having fun making fun of others." That is, in fact, is the medical term for complete scoundrels.

4. Failure to recognize and express their emotional state
How often have you heard from the girl that her boyfriend is not enough it sincere? "He never shared with me their experiences." "He's some kind of eternally aloof ..." "He did not care about what happens in my soul!" And so on.

Believe it or not, but two out of three of these complaints can be attributed to medical phenomenon called "alexithymia". This term refers to the inability of a person to understand and verbalize own emotional state. Alexithymia in varying degrees, have each one of us. However, in the most severe cases, this condition can seriously poison the life. On assurances of scientists, alexithymia prevents live about 8-10 percent of all people, with men amongst them more than women.

Besides the problems with my friends, these men have underdeveloped imagination. Those who suffer from alexithymia even dream dreams logical and realistic: they go shopping, for example, or scrambled eggs breakfast.

5. Intolerance to certain sounds
Almost every one of us can not tolerate any sound: foam glass, chalk on the blackboard, the creak of the swing, champ ... OK it or not, depends on what kind of sounds and how preventing you live.

Mental disorder called "mizofoniya" - a condition where the usual cause irritation, unremarkable sounds. For example sounds that emit other people when they eat, breathe, cough, or do other quite familiar and noisy affairs.

In addition, most people only annoying repetitive noises and suffering mizofoniey may ruffle a single sound bad for him. Cases where such people in a fit of irritation beat utensils and literally punched the wall with his fist (a question of plasterboard, of course, approx. Mixstuff.ru), when someone accidentally close chavknul.

The situation is exacerbated if the hated sound comes from one person suffers mizofoniey emotionally connected - from a family member or close friend.

Needless to say, such people have many problems in communicating with others. They find it difficult to engage a romantic relationship because they can not stand when someone close to them to eat. Many of them eat only in isolation behind closed doors.

6. The opposition defiance disorder
The big team is always a frame that takes in arms whatever comes "from above". He said his main aim to undermine the credibility of the authorities most noisy and unpleasant for the latter method. He strives and disputes about every insignificant.

Do not jump to conclusions - it is possible that a person is not to blame for the fact that so behaves. His stubbornness can be attributed to a mental disorder, which is called "oppositional defiance disorder." In the medical literature, this state is described as "long disorder characterized by disobedience, hostile and negativistic behavior towards superiors".

Although this disorder is quite common in adults, most of it, of course, are children - about 20 percent. And it's not just bad behavior from time to time, as a permanent condition for at least six months. If nothing can be done, then the probability of more than 50 percent, the situation will only get worse.