23 habits that radically changes the life
Re-read these habits every day, as long as they do not come as a family. Begin to change, and change the world around you!
Start learning a foreign language. Just learn it every day, at least for half an hour.
A day to clean up in his room, throwing rubbish.
Give up computer games. They spoil the view of the world and transform normal people into lost.
Completely give up fast food and other junk food. Start eating right.
Do morning exercises.
Teach yourself every day to sleep and wake up at the same time.
Take a meal in one and the same time - the body will tell you thank you for it.
Sleep at least 8 hours. It is very important for health.
Save money. Start off on the journey. Trips to other countries developing outlook. It is better to travel by savages without tour agencies.
Think only about the good - everything will come true! Smile more often.
Keep a diary of his success. In the evenings, mark their achievements. Any, even the smallest.
Start reading the right books that change lives.
Consecrate yourself to your family and loved ones, family.
For 10-15 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of clean water. Drink per day for at least 2 liters. water. It improves internal processes. You'll feel better.
Take care of your body. Burn fat and build muscle mass.
Find pictures of their goals and stick them in a prominent place. Visualization is very important.
Write down on a piece of paper all the "visyaki" (things that have to do for a long time and that do not give you peace of mind). Deal with them, and life will become easier. Checked.
Avoid profanity and words-parasites. In general, keep your speech.
Take one small good deed every day. Doing good do not expect anything in return. Welcome back to another.
Try every day to eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Replace the usual mashed potatoes and pasta with fresh vegetables.
Walk straight. Watch your posture.
Avoid all kinds of bad habits. Why do you condemn yourself to a miserable life?
Tell people nice words and compliments. It would be wonderful if it becomes a habit.
Save this list, or better type
on a sheet and hang it in a prominent place,
and share with friends.
Start learning a foreign language. Just learn it every day, at least for half an hour.
A day to clean up in his room, throwing rubbish.
Give up computer games. They spoil the view of the world and transform normal people into lost.
Completely give up fast food and other junk food. Start eating right.
Do morning exercises.
Teach yourself every day to sleep and wake up at the same time.
Take a meal in one and the same time - the body will tell you thank you for it.
Sleep at least 8 hours. It is very important for health.
Save money. Start off on the journey. Trips to other countries developing outlook. It is better to travel by savages without tour agencies.
Think only about the good - everything will come true! Smile more often.
Keep a diary of his success. In the evenings, mark their achievements. Any, even the smallest.
Start reading the right books that change lives.
Consecrate yourself to your family and loved ones, family.
For 10-15 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of clean water. Drink per day for at least 2 liters. water. It improves internal processes. You'll feel better.
Take care of your body. Burn fat and build muscle mass.
Find pictures of their goals and stick them in a prominent place. Visualization is very important.
Write down on a piece of paper all the "visyaki" (things that have to do for a long time and that do not give you peace of mind). Deal with them, and life will become easier. Checked.
Avoid profanity and words-parasites. In general, keep your speech.
Take one small good deed every day. Doing good do not expect anything in return. Welcome back to another.
Try every day to eat fruits, vegetables and berries. Replace the usual mashed potatoes and pasta with fresh vegetables.
Walk straight. Watch your posture.
Avoid all kinds of bad habits. Why do you condemn yourself to a miserable life?
Tell people nice words and compliments. It would be wonderful if it becomes a habit.
Save this list, or better type
on a sheet and hang it in a prominent place,
and share with friends.