10 Symptoms of poisoning Psychology
If, after reading the article, visits to various trainings and courses you have been at least five of these symptoms, you should think and rethink their approach to employment
This 10 signs of poisoning psychology
compiled by Boris Litvak, author
various psychological training.
Symptoms of poisoning psychology:
1. You start to deal with "wild psychoanalysis" - that is, analysis that nobody ordered. You analyze everyone and everything on the fly determine who and what problem openly talking about this partner. Although he you did not ask.
2. You become a walking Quotations of the psychological school, and that a psychologist, a coach, who you are doing. Trying and his life and the lives of others to cram in to hear a phrase and recommendations. In this case you really can not explain why so right, because right, because you say so in the classroom.
3. You are viewing exclusively psychological literature. You are listening to motivational recordings and watch educational and psychological. Music, films, chat - almost entirely excluded from the life. After all, you need to personally grow every second.
4. do you feel much healthier all around you. After all, you do psychology, personality grow and possess "secret knowledge" that others do not know. Periodically, you take on the role of "psychological spetsnaz" started the implementation of the first paragraph.
5. For your most comfortable state - is in the circle of like-minded people who regularly attend trainings. Only here you will feel comfortable. And gradually chat psychological group is gradually replacing the communication outside the training room.
6. In your life, there is no significant change, since not yet the time to act. You are preparing for the greatest breakthrough in his life, which will come when you finally figure it with cockroaches. Dates with the unknown.
7. You adore his guru in psychology. Or even fell in love with him. Or is it for you to become a good dad or mom. This is ideal. He has no weaknesses. Everything he says is the ultimate truth. In the group you are trying to find it waiting up to his expectations, in order to gain his favor.
8. Do you sincerely rejoice revealed in the next you lack. Is fully committed to finding new and new flaws. If you are diagnosed with - you perceive it with joy. Because now there is a lot of work.
9. Everywhere you see the psychological underpinnings. Mosquito bites are not accidental - you yourself wanted. If someone disagrees with you, or even more so with the guru, then his resistance due to unconscious psychotrauma frustration or received as a child.
10. Do you insulate yourself from your usual circle of friends, as worthless person coming to enlightenment, to communicate with people not seeking him.

This 10 signs of poisoning psychology
compiled by Boris Litvak, author
various psychological training.
Symptoms of poisoning psychology:
1. You start to deal with "wild psychoanalysis" - that is, analysis that nobody ordered. You analyze everyone and everything on the fly determine who and what problem openly talking about this partner. Although he you did not ask.
2. You become a walking Quotations of the psychological school, and that a psychologist, a coach, who you are doing. Trying and his life and the lives of others to cram in to hear a phrase and recommendations. In this case you really can not explain why so right, because right, because you say so in the classroom.
3. You are viewing exclusively psychological literature. You are listening to motivational recordings and watch educational and psychological. Music, films, chat - almost entirely excluded from the life. After all, you need to personally grow every second.
4. do you feel much healthier all around you. After all, you do psychology, personality grow and possess "secret knowledge" that others do not know. Periodically, you take on the role of "psychological spetsnaz" started the implementation of the first paragraph.
5. For your most comfortable state - is in the circle of like-minded people who regularly attend trainings. Only here you will feel comfortable. And gradually chat psychological group is gradually replacing the communication outside the training room.
6. In your life, there is no significant change, since not yet the time to act. You are preparing for the greatest breakthrough in his life, which will come when you finally figure it with cockroaches. Dates with the unknown.
7. You adore his guru in psychology. Or even fell in love with him. Or is it for you to become a good dad or mom. This is ideal. He has no weaknesses. Everything he says is the ultimate truth. In the group you are trying to find it waiting up to his expectations, in order to gain his favor.
8. Do you sincerely rejoice revealed in the next you lack. Is fully committed to finding new and new flaws. If you are diagnosed with - you perceive it with joy. Because now there is a lot of work.
9. Everywhere you see the psychological underpinnings. Mosquito bites are not accidental - you yourself wanted. If someone disagrees with you, or even more so with the guru, then his resistance due to unconscious psychotrauma frustration or received as a child.
10. Do you insulate yourself from your usual circle of friends, as worthless person coming to enlightenment, to communicate with people not seeking him.