5 signs that you have a wonderful RELATIONS
In fact, correct and good relations have a number of characteristics that can be seen in all types of relationships!
The attitude of many, we are taught. Whether this attitude fathers children, whether the relationship between friends or even strangers, we can learn a lot about themselves in relation to others.
On some level, bear any relationship with him the possibility of self-development. However, the intimate relationship between the partners - is something a little different. Our partners are not determined by genetics or family ties. We are not forced to start any character relationships at work or at school. We make these decisions on their own. Also, do not forget about physical intimacy.
Here are some of the characteristic features of right and wonderful relationship:
1. You can be yourself
In the right relationship, you will not feel the need for self-censorship. You will not be afraid to show his true colors, as well as to lose the mask, which normally wear in society.
Even though you may still feel some tightness with respect to some features of its behavior, you worked your doubts and eventually laugh at myself though. In the presence of your partner you will be more inclined to things that before he tried to hide.
2. You have a personality
Even if all borders were abolished for the full space of your other half, you still will be independent in relationships. Despite the fact that you have a lot in common, each of you has something personal, for example, any interests or aspirations.
In order to feel the full personality, not necessarily the presence of another person in your life. In normal partner relations from you that will not require too. It will support and even contribute to your personality, too, and you do to him.
3. Do you both have a common desire personal development
Right relationship is always moving in the direction of a couple: both Union as a whole and for each partner individually. The desire to prevent the development of their halves for your personal comfort is nothing more than a manifestation of fear. Even when someone is concerned that the relationship may come to nothing, he admits that their paths diverge in favor of both. Development of the above personal gain.
4. You "hold space" for each other
Art "Hold space" for another person is based on love and respect. This means not only to be able to listen to the partner, but also hear, as well as to show how important it is for you. This is not a place where you are trying to fix the person. We are talking about your ability to see your loved one "entirely».
5. You are a quiet person
Throughout life you will not always feel happy, like in any relationship. However, most of the time spent together will be calm.
Any concerns will be reflected positively on any of the partners. No doubt will arise stressful situations (related to children, families, the demand for work, etc.), but a couple should strive to overcome them with a minimum of friction.
As a result, in fact, correct relations have a number of characteristics. These features can be seen in all types of relations. Some unions will last a lifetime, while others will be short. But they share one thing - they all contribute to a revolutionary impact on each other.

The attitude of many, we are taught. Whether this attitude fathers children, whether the relationship between friends or even strangers, we can learn a lot about themselves in relation to others.
On some level, bear any relationship with him the possibility of self-development. However, the intimate relationship between the partners - is something a little different. Our partners are not determined by genetics or family ties. We are not forced to start any character relationships at work or at school. We make these decisions on their own. Also, do not forget about physical intimacy.
Here are some of the characteristic features of right and wonderful relationship:
1. You can be yourself
In the right relationship, you will not feel the need for self-censorship. You will not be afraid to show his true colors, as well as to lose the mask, which normally wear in society.
Even though you may still feel some tightness with respect to some features of its behavior, you worked your doubts and eventually laugh at myself though. In the presence of your partner you will be more inclined to things that before he tried to hide.
2. You have a personality
Even if all borders were abolished for the full space of your other half, you still will be independent in relationships. Despite the fact that you have a lot in common, each of you has something personal, for example, any interests or aspirations.
In order to feel the full personality, not necessarily the presence of another person in your life. In normal partner relations from you that will not require too. It will support and even contribute to your personality, too, and you do to him.
3. Do you both have a common desire personal development
Right relationship is always moving in the direction of a couple: both Union as a whole and for each partner individually. The desire to prevent the development of their halves for your personal comfort is nothing more than a manifestation of fear. Even when someone is concerned that the relationship may come to nothing, he admits that their paths diverge in favor of both. Development of the above personal gain.
4. You "hold space" for each other
Art "Hold space" for another person is based on love and respect. This means not only to be able to listen to the partner, but also hear, as well as to show how important it is for you. This is not a place where you are trying to fix the person. We are talking about your ability to see your loved one "entirely».
5. You are a quiet person
Throughout life you will not always feel happy, like in any relationship. However, most of the time spent together will be calm.
Any concerns will be reflected positively on any of the partners. No doubt will arise stressful situations (related to children, families, the demand for work, etc.), but a couple should strive to overcome them with a minimum of friction.
As a result, in fact, correct relations have a number of characteristics. These features can be seen in all types of relations. Some unions will last a lifetime, while others will be short. But they share one thing - they all contribute to a revolutionary impact on each other.