4 types of offended people and how they get along
Classification of wronged people who should know in order to understand how to get along with people who are sick from this disease
No one knows where the paradise on Earth. Nowhere is there innocent. Nothing can be a source of eternal happiness. No one heard the whole truth. And everything has flaws. But the perfect state-vanilla - is not the ultimate dream man. From permanent happiness could sometimes nauseated. The nature of people is that they always need a personal tragedy, his personal view of masochism. When all is well for a long time, it seems that on the nose some catastrophe. After all, before the storm always calm. So people are looking for, what their life is going wrong. And each finds himself a catastrophe: invented disease is likely to change, the plot in a team, or a personal financial crisis. All their "cockroaches", which at one point was unanimously vote for "the next revolution in the life».
Offended people - it's not unarmed people, they are people with equipment and gear, but without the ability to take advantage of all their benefits and power. In offense a lot of different, mixed feelings of impotence to the desire for revenge.
Resentment - it is a disease and the only person to decide whether to do it from a mild form of viral infection or chronic disease.
The offense is no power, there is pain, frustration, sadness, anxiety, insecurity, powerlessness and anger. These feelings - not the best life partner. They ballast pulled to the bottom. And life - not at the bottom, it is in the light, closer to the sun. People, like plants, are drawn to the light and the darkness fade.
Because of his life experience and the information gathered, I created a personal classification types offended people. It hurts when loved ones are offended, so sometimes you have to make at least half a step forward, to keep such necessary relationship for both of you:
1. Eternal victim
Horoscopes argue that "fish" - the eternal victims, but as for me, not only representatives of this star sign like to blame others for their circumstances. With such people it is difficult, because any little thing drives them into depression. Any replica of a feeling of personal and deep resentment. They find it difficult to deal with the wave of indignation that covers them during your seemingly innocent dialogue.
Tip: If you are close to a person with a set of "eternal victim" - just show him that you understand it, that we are ready to share with them this difficult situation and did not even think to hurt his feelings. No need to ask for forgiveness on his knees, enough to start a conversation with the detached threads 15-20 minutes or to buy his favorite ice cream and offer a joint view of the new comedy. Not to aggravate the conflict, because your words even more hurt your loved one. Start a conversation in the style of "all you ever offended, you're always the victim" is not worth it, because the "eternal victim" never consider themselves as such, and can only take offense at you again.
And if you are tired of constantly look up words, to call only in the "right" time to be waiting in the wings, and forget about the word "no" in response to their requests, did not suffer. Only you can decide whether your last communication with the "eternal victim" or any other type of disgruntled people. This is your life and it is only important your choice.
2. Miss / Mister Uncertainty
Complexes - a terrible weapon with the effect only of domestic savings and samopozhiraniya. Complexes generate uncertainty and insecurity - a permanent sense of "everybody wants to hurt me." The most common areas - is unjustified critical thoughts toward an ideal state. For example, some women do not like their breasts form priests, nose, lips, and look at any "problematic" part of their body, a feeling of panic and anxiety. With this fight is difficult if the decision to change everything would not go on the object of owning these complexes.
Tip: You do not need to focus on the imaginary shortcomings of a loved one. Avoid this topic. It is better to create a situation from the outside, that people realized that all his facilities - only his personal fantasy that has little to do with reality. Let someone else will get rid of weapons from these complexes. Man does not believe him, and actions. Only the attention of others (eg, the stranger a compliment) may be obvious stimulus for recovery. Just give a loved one to understand it, become it "invisible" to the healing of the compass.
3. Sentimental paranoid
Being a powerful projectile, which flies right on target and sees no obstacles, it's mission of "sentimental paranoid." He seeks insult where it does not. If the "eternal victim" offended only real fact grievances (properly chosen word or thoughtless deed), the "sentimental paranoid" looking for a trick anywhere. He sees only what he wants to see, hear only what he needed to hear. With such a man seriously. It's easy to cheat, because people often use his suspicions against him.
Tip: If you are under suspicion "sentimental paranoid", it is useless to prove his innocence. It is to escape from the conflict all possible and impossible ways. Such a person is very difficult to love, but they have a big advantage - they are usually honest and profound. To run them from the gallows to pardon a tiny, but they can bribe the skill and ability not to give their psychosis.
4. Elusive Avengers
Typical thoughts "Elusive Avengers": "Resentment is no forgiveness. Everything was done on purpose. The plan was developed over the years for the offense. It is a collective scheme. " The painful view of reality destroys everything in its path. His place is always well thought-out, and cold-blooded point. It is his purpose and mission in life.
Tip: "Elusive Avengers" should honestly explain. In a frank dialogue to reveal all the cards and to outline the true cause of your actions. Only complete trust and satisfaction of the ego be able to repay the ardor of hate. Loving them is difficult, but the "hot" people are always interested in their unpredictability.
We have all offended, offended and will be offended by loved ones. Often their words, actions, choices and decisions hurt us is stronger than any physical pain. But we must not forget that we - not the only part of their lives. Home, but not the only one. A favorite is also sometimes need to be alone with your thoughts, meet friends, work late or paid free time his new hobby. This does not mean that our half already "not so much like us," just in the private sphere they are already comfortable with, but there were issues that still require their attention.
We all resentment was given only for another life lesson, and the next step we are living on their measured life, looking for new sources of inspiration and strength. Grievances teach us to be stronger, show our strengths and weaknesses. They have not only pain, but also a lot of useful things. But there are people for whom resentment becomes a full cohabitant. They erected it on a pedestal. It feeds their lives, but this is only make-up pulling down. It does not have the emotional strength for the flight, it is - just an anchor for the ship, which is constantly on the harbor. And the ships were set to conquer the maritime spaces.
Marina Poznyakova

No one knows where the paradise on Earth. Nowhere is there innocent. Nothing can be a source of eternal happiness. No one heard the whole truth. And everything has flaws. But the perfect state-vanilla - is not the ultimate dream man. From permanent happiness could sometimes nauseated. The nature of people is that they always need a personal tragedy, his personal view of masochism. When all is well for a long time, it seems that on the nose some catastrophe. After all, before the storm always calm. So people are looking for, what their life is going wrong. And each finds himself a catastrophe: invented disease is likely to change, the plot in a team, or a personal financial crisis. All their "cockroaches", which at one point was unanimously vote for "the next revolution in the life».
Offended people - it's not unarmed people, they are people with equipment and gear, but without the ability to take advantage of all their benefits and power. In offense a lot of different, mixed feelings of impotence to the desire for revenge.
Resentment - it is a disease and the only person to decide whether to do it from a mild form of viral infection or chronic disease.
The offense is no power, there is pain, frustration, sadness, anxiety, insecurity, powerlessness and anger. These feelings - not the best life partner. They ballast pulled to the bottom. And life - not at the bottom, it is in the light, closer to the sun. People, like plants, are drawn to the light and the darkness fade.
Because of his life experience and the information gathered, I created a personal classification types offended people. It hurts when loved ones are offended, so sometimes you have to make at least half a step forward, to keep such necessary relationship for both of you:
1. Eternal victim
Horoscopes argue that "fish" - the eternal victims, but as for me, not only representatives of this star sign like to blame others for their circumstances. With such people it is difficult, because any little thing drives them into depression. Any replica of a feeling of personal and deep resentment. They find it difficult to deal with the wave of indignation that covers them during your seemingly innocent dialogue.
Tip: If you are close to a person with a set of "eternal victim" - just show him that you understand it, that we are ready to share with them this difficult situation and did not even think to hurt his feelings. No need to ask for forgiveness on his knees, enough to start a conversation with the detached threads 15-20 minutes or to buy his favorite ice cream and offer a joint view of the new comedy. Not to aggravate the conflict, because your words even more hurt your loved one. Start a conversation in the style of "all you ever offended, you're always the victim" is not worth it, because the "eternal victim" never consider themselves as such, and can only take offense at you again.
And if you are tired of constantly look up words, to call only in the "right" time to be waiting in the wings, and forget about the word "no" in response to their requests, did not suffer. Only you can decide whether your last communication with the "eternal victim" or any other type of disgruntled people. This is your life and it is only important your choice.
2. Miss / Mister Uncertainty
Complexes - a terrible weapon with the effect only of domestic savings and samopozhiraniya. Complexes generate uncertainty and insecurity - a permanent sense of "everybody wants to hurt me." The most common areas - is unjustified critical thoughts toward an ideal state. For example, some women do not like their breasts form priests, nose, lips, and look at any "problematic" part of their body, a feeling of panic and anxiety. With this fight is difficult if the decision to change everything would not go on the object of owning these complexes.
Tip: You do not need to focus on the imaginary shortcomings of a loved one. Avoid this topic. It is better to create a situation from the outside, that people realized that all his facilities - only his personal fantasy that has little to do with reality. Let someone else will get rid of weapons from these complexes. Man does not believe him, and actions. Only the attention of others (eg, the stranger a compliment) may be obvious stimulus for recovery. Just give a loved one to understand it, become it "invisible" to the healing of the compass.
3. Sentimental paranoid
Being a powerful projectile, which flies right on target and sees no obstacles, it's mission of "sentimental paranoid." He seeks insult where it does not. If the "eternal victim" offended only real fact grievances (properly chosen word or thoughtless deed), the "sentimental paranoid" looking for a trick anywhere. He sees only what he wants to see, hear only what he needed to hear. With such a man seriously. It's easy to cheat, because people often use his suspicions against him.
Tip: If you are under suspicion "sentimental paranoid", it is useless to prove his innocence. It is to escape from the conflict all possible and impossible ways. Such a person is very difficult to love, but they have a big advantage - they are usually honest and profound. To run them from the gallows to pardon a tiny, but they can bribe the skill and ability not to give their psychosis.
4. Elusive Avengers
Typical thoughts "Elusive Avengers": "Resentment is no forgiveness. Everything was done on purpose. The plan was developed over the years for the offense. It is a collective scheme. " The painful view of reality destroys everything in its path. His place is always well thought-out, and cold-blooded point. It is his purpose and mission in life.
Tip: "Elusive Avengers" should honestly explain. In a frank dialogue to reveal all the cards and to outline the true cause of your actions. Only complete trust and satisfaction of the ego be able to repay the ardor of hate. Loving them is difficult, but the "hot" people are always interested in their unpredictability.
We have all offended, offended and will be offended by loved ones. Often their words, actions, choices and decisions hurt us is stronger than any physical pain. But we must not forget that we - not the only part of their lives. Home, but not the only one. A favorite is also sometimes need to be alone with your thoughts, meet friends, work late or paid free time his new hobby. This does not mean that our half already "not so much like us," just in the private sphere they are already comfortable with, but there were issues that still require their attention.
We all resentment was given only for another life lesson, and the next step we are living on their measured life, looking for new sources of inspiration and strength. Grievances teach us to be stronger, show our strengths and weaknesses. They have not only pain, but also a lot of useful things. But there are people for whom resentment becomes a full cohabitant. They erected it on a pedestal. It feeds their lives, but this is only make-up pulling down. It does not have the emotional strength for the flight, it is - just an anchor for the ship, which is constantly on the harbor. And the ships were set to conquer the maritime spaces.
Marina Poznyakova
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