13 photos, which is difficult to learn Russian

gets the impression that in Russia and birch forests. This post is to destroy these mify.1. Canada, you think? Wrong answer. Lena Pillars in Yakutia! Lena Pillars are stretching for many kilometers vertically elongated rocks complex, intricately piled along the shore Leny.

2. Saudi Arabia? In fact, in the evening so the city looks Groznyy.

3. Morocco, you say? But no! Chara peski.Eto desert, which is in four dozen kilometers from the glaciers of Kodar among the snow-capped mountains, dense taiga and vast bolot.

4. Medieval Castle in Romania? Oh, no! This fortress Naryn-Kala in the city of Derbent, Dagestan.Interesno that to build Derbent fortifications took material seven times more than the construction of one of the seven wonders of the world - the pyramids Heopsa.

5. Alps? Mount Belukha mountain ridge Katun Altaya.Naivysshaya point of the Altai Mountains (4509 m), the crowning Katun hrebet.

6. Japan? No! Volcano kronotsky on Kamchatke.Kronotskaya volcano is located in the eastern part of the peninsula of Kamchatka. The height of the volcano is 3528 meters. Although he is an active stratovolcano, but its eruptions occur rarely. Closer to the top of the volcano is covered by glaciers, and grow at the base of the forest. Located near the lake and the Valley Kronotskoye Geyzerov.

7. South America? No! This is an acid lake in the crater of the volcano on Kamchatka Small Semyachik! Small Semyachik located on the eastern ridge of Kamchatka, only 20 kilometers from the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The crater can be seen a miracle. After all, where else, then you will find an amazing acid lake, water in which saturated chloride, fluoride and sulfate acids !? It is because of this "explosive mixture" of water in a crater lake Small Semyachik have the fairy-turquoise color. Its diameter is about 500 meters and the depth - 140 metrov.

8. China? Not China! It's Ivilginski temple in the monastery, datsan BuryatiiBuddiysky, the center of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia. Monument of history and arhitektury.

9. Mexico? Wrong! Pillars of weathering on the plateau Manpupuner in the Pechora-Ilych nature reserve in the country Komi.Yavlyayutsya hallmark of the Urals. The silent stone statues evoke the mystical adoration of the unknown. Plateau Manpupuner - one of the strongest Russian energy places sily.

10. Australia? Again, no! Great Vasyugan swamp in Western Sibiri.Odni of the largest wetlands in the world, are located in Western Siberia, between the rivers Ob and Irtysha.

11. North Korea? Wrong! The photo - Norilsk! The largest industrial center of Russia, as well as one of the most sordid and sad cities strany.

12. Peru? Wrong! Putorana Plateau Putorana in Sibiri.Plato famous among other things, precisely as the area where the maximum number of waterfalls in Rossii.

13. Georgia? No! Towers in the mountainous area Dzhejrahsky Ingushetii.Podstup towers to wall blocks, as well as natural obstacles - gory.

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