Ray Kurzweil: by 2030, the human brain will be connected to cloud services

Scene from the movie "The Matrix» i> sup>
Renowned futurist and concurrently CTO of Google in the field of machine learning and natural language processing Ray Kurzweil, speaking at a conference Exponential Finance in New York, predicted appearance in 15 years, a direct connection between the human brain and cloud services. Thus arises a peculiar hybrid of human intelligence and capabilities of computers, when by giving commands directly from the brain ("just thinking"), it will be possible to get a result from the cloud server. The result again is perceived directly by the brain.
Says Kurzweil, technical communications will be provided with special nanorobots made of DNA strands. With this new feature will manage the information to the extent that in the cloud can save a "copy" of his brain and restore it from there about the same as it's happening now with the archival copies of information from computers and smartphones. "Our thinking would be a hybrid of biological and non-biological features," - said Ray Kurzweil, giving his assessment a little more freedom: perhaps it will happen a little later, in the early 2040s of the 21st century.
Ray Kurzweil is known for that is the first developer of speech recognition system for the blind, the author of a flatbed scanner and a synthesizer that can reproduce the sound of a conventional piano. Bill Gates, who himself likes to give prediction , calls Kurzweil & quot; «the person who gives the most accurate predictions of artificial intelligence of any ... I know.
Financial Times journalist Caroline Daniel, having taken interview at Kurzweil breakfast in April this year, leads the curious aspects of everyday life scientist who It is going to live up to the beginning of the era of technological singularity, an offensive which he expects in 2045. Describing the usefulness of its breakfast, which seemed odd journalist, Kurzweil says that "Cocoa has anti-inflammatory and very useful. So are dark chocolate, which added a bit of espresso. Berries, soy milk without sugar. Fish and green tea [for breakfast, too]. " Instead of meat, which is almost a scientist does not eat, he prefers useful carbohydrates (some berries, oatmeal, vegetables) and healthy fats.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/251518/