Overview of electric bikes, trucks for geeks

Electricity should be the transport fuel of the future, we agree about everything. How to receive it - is another matter, but at least our cities will become clearer and will be easier to breathe. At the same time it is highly desirable to encourage replanting on bicycles, because in addition to its environmental rolls over and they still carry the sport to the masses. However, people were not people, even if the bicycles were not trying to make a self-propelled vehicles. Lazy people what to do. The internal combustion engine is completely misplaced: noise, smells, looks clumsy. Simply buy a moped. Electric bicycles is completely devoid of these shortcomings. Progress in this area is far stepped forward, and electric bikes are already out of the stage of ugly DIY enthusiasts. Great on batteries are becoming more popular and affordable. And many of the advanced geeks, especially those living in big cities, are looking with interest to new models. Tomorrow in our Moscow office will happen ElectroTestDrive , where you can see and test the electric vehicles of the future! In the meantime, we have selected for you a number of interesting and relatively affordable devices.
Copenhagen Wheel

Let's start with an interesting project Copenhagen Wheel . This rear wheel with integrated disc-shaped compartment in which hidden electric motor, battery and Bluetooth module for communication with the smartphone, which are carried out with all the settings. Enough to put a wheel on a normal bike, and it becomes a hybrid. The speed of movement is regulated cadence (thanks, CEP): the faster you twist them, the more torque the electric motor develops. Thus it is 3-10 times reduces the load on the pedals. Mass wheel 5, 9 kg, it is supplied as a one-speed modification and the block asterisks. Products are shipped pre-order. The cost of such wheels - $ 949.
- The maximum speed: 25 km / h (European version)
- Power Reserve: 50 km
- Power: 250 W (European version)
- Battery: 48
- Recharge time: 4 hours
Another company , producing some electrified rear wheels. The engine compartment is smaller than in the Copenhagen Wheel.
By the way, you can buy as a wheel assembly (available in three sizes, for $ 1,099), and separate the engine compartment ($ 999) if you really want to save the "native" wheel. It also has a module Bluetooth, so you can always look at the smartphone speed, trip mileage, the remaining battery power and much more. Wheel assembly weighs about 3 kg.
- The maximum speed: 25 km / h
- Power Reserve: 40 km
- Power: 250 W
- Recharge time: 3 hours
This inexpensive elektrofetbayk (fatbike), which resulted from a successful campaign on Indiegogo. The rear hub integrated electric motor and the battery in the form of a thermos tucked away in a large cargo compartment built into the frame.
On a bike you can ride in a hybrid mode (motor takes some of the load), and completely on electric. The frame is steel. Please note that such wide tires are designed to ride on the loose, and loose soil and snow in the city bike does not reveal all its features.
- The maximum speed: 32 km / h
- Power Reserve: 50 km
- Power: 350 W
- Re-1, 5 hours
This is not a specific product, and the name of the company , engaged in the manufacture of compact electric bikes with the original design. Their range has three models at a price no more than $ 1,400, varying power motors, gears and a number of other parameters.
There are more models available, for example, folding beztsepnoy Excursion 2.0. The aluminum frame, two driving modes: Hybrid and electric. Includes carrying case.
- Power: 250 W
- Battery: 36, 6, 6 Ah. «Pocket» Folding Shrink-er. Aluminium frame, folded dimensions of 845 x 615 x 250 mm. Tires 12 inches in diameter. The motor is in the front hub.
- The maximum speed: 18 km / h
- Power Reserve: 50 km
- Power: 200-250 W
- Battery: 36 V, 8 Ah
e-JOE Epik SE
Another very compact city folding elektrovelik . A great option if you have little free space to hold the horse on batteries. Aluminum frame, 20-inch tires, 7 speeds. The battery built into the frame. Buy a bicycle, you can for about $ 1,550, which is slightly expensive.
- Power Reserve: 36 km
- Power: 350 W
- Battery: 36 V, 9 Ah
- Recharge time: 4 hours
If you are not too worried about unsightly appearance, but the money is not much, then look at the model of IZIP E3 Vibe from the company Curie Technologies. This bike costs just $ 800, however, will have to put up with a large "brick" batteries mounted under the luggage compartment. Aluminum frame, 26 inch diameter tires.
- The maximum speed: 24 km / h
- Power Reserve: 32 km
- Power: 250 W
- Battery: 24 V, 10 Ah
- Recharge time: 6-8 hours
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/mailru/blog/251496/