Electric bicycles
Today's been a month since I retooled your bike in the electric bike. About impressions for this month - further.
Electric bicycles - a bicycle, which is set instead of the front wheel motor-wheel, and attached to the trunk of a set of batteries.
Motor wheel- this seemingly ordinary wheel, in which a built-in motor.
Stated in advertising options- speeds of up to 45km / h while driving on a 30km zaryade-.
Passport data wheel: power 500W, voltage 48 volts, the efficiency of 92%, weight 6kg
Komplektatsiya- motor-wheel, handle accelerator with a voltage sensor, a control unit, brake handle and charger wire.
Self had to buy more batteries 4pcs lead (12b, 9a-h by 2 kg each), the box for them and for all of this attachment to the trunk.
Between the battery in the drawer, I found foam pads that did not fight against each other.
To install it took me 2:00. Otladki- for another 2 days. Terminals that comes bundled with the engine turned out to be bad quality and flew at the slightest push.
Here is the BATT ...
The first sensation: you sit on the bike, push forward and fly ruchku- ...
The impression of freedom and speed ...
But now try to detail the advantages and disadvantages resulting electric bicycles:
... Compared with bicycles.
+ Speed and ease of movement. If you go right, you have to include the motor only when the ride difficult (uphill and difficult road), the riding is no different from riding a bike, but you get tired at times less. If you go wrong, there is only on the motor, it is not at all tired, but falls a maximum mileage.
+ No physical activity, if you go to work (study) (and therefore odor)
- Restrictions. Always know that when something is over supply of energy, and no matter how much you did not bring spare akkumulyatorov- they still run out.
- Weight. Additional 15 kg in weight velosipeda- pretty substantial increase, if you go on some pedals, but it does not feel, if you include the engine.
- Depreciation of spare parts. Cameras, tire and brake wear 2-3 times faster.
... Compared to benzovelosipedom.
+ Accessible. Petrol at an affordable price, I found only in Tambov.
+ Sustainability. It's all clear.
+ Noiseless. The electric motor does not emit almost no light crackle of sounds only.
- Restrictions. Benzomotor can be charged at any gas station. Even if at the gas station there is rozetka- charge Batteries have two hours.
... Compared to a moped, scooter.
+ Price. Cheap moped costs from 3000 UAH wheel- 2.
+ Disenfranchised. On mopeds need rights. And the price of study at a driving school and even registration mopeda- 3000grn.
+ Shipping weight, size. Moped on the 2nd floor not lift, the corridor will not put.
... Compared with public transport (except metro).
+ The rate.
I ride on electric bikes mostly on such routes: Vinogradar- CPI (and vice versa), Dorogozhichi- Vynogradar, KPI- Dorogozhichi, Vinogradar- Sviatoshyn.
Average travel time (and waiting) for the city transport on these routes - 45-55min, 45 minutes, 30 minutes (if no traffic jams), 30 minutes on elektorvelosipede: 30 min, 25 min, 15 min, 15 min.
+ Cost. The cost of a single charge based on grivny- about 45 cents. Travel on one of the 4 routes shuttles 2-50 (if you have a straight line) or 5 USD.
+ No traffic jams. Transport stoit- as you go along the sidewalk.
+ No, depending on the time of day. Ehat- night even better.
Of course, it is more convenient to ride a bike when the sun is shining, and the rest of the crowd at the bus stop or steamed in a crowded bus. But when even a small dozhd- water everywhere. Spray from the wheels veiled eyes, and if you go in a fog.
And some concluded.
Yet I have not written about the unexpected breakage in transit. Most rasprostranennaya- a departure from the battery contact. He stopped, opened the trunk, straightened and rode away.
The second most common is polomka- The broken rear camera. You should always carry a spare. But to change the camera under 10 kilogram bagazhnikom- occupation is not very convenient.
Criticality of failures, do not allow to continue the movement until I have, thank God, it was not.
The problem with parking it arises. Everywhere there is a place where you can attach a bicycle chain. At the university, I generally looking for some of it to the body. If you care so much about the safety of akkumov- hang the lock on the trunk, or carry them with you.
Vapor backpack with Batteries can be placed near a wall outlet and charge them perfectly.
If you ride a motor, as I do, that they have enough for exactly 15 km. If you go by the pedalyah- 30-40 km.
By and tselom- as urban transport electric bike I was quite happy and I do not regret that bought it.
Electric bicycles - a bicycle, which is set instead of the front wheel motor-wheel, and attached to the trunk of a set of batteries.
Motor wheel- this seemingly ordinary wheel, in which a built-in motor.

Stated in advertising options- speeds of up to 45km / h while driving on a 30km zaryade-.
Passport data wheel: power 500W, voltage 48 volts, the efficiency of 92%, weight 6kg
Komplektatsiya- motor-wheel, handle accelerator with a voltage sensor, a control unit, brake handle and charger wire.

Self had to buy more batteries 4pcs lead (12b, 9a-h by 2 kg each), the box for them and for all of this attachment to the trunk.
Between the battery in the drawer, I found foam pads that did not fight against each other.
To install it took me 2:00. Otladki- for another 2 days. Terminals that comes bundled with the engine turned out to be bad quality and flew at the slightest push.

Here is the BATT ...

The first sensation: you sit on the bike, push forward and fly ruchku- ...
The impression of freedom and speed ...
But now try to detail the advantages and disadvantages resulting electric bicycles:
... Compared with bicycles.
+ Speed and ease of movement. If you go right, you have to include the motor only when the ride difficult (uphill and difficult road), the riding is no different from riding a bike, but you get tired at times less. If you go wrong, there is only on the motor, it is not at all tired, but falls a maximum mileage.
+ No physical activity, if you go to work (study) (and therefore odor)
- Restrictions. Always know that when something is over supply of energy, and no matter how much you did not bring spare akkumulyatorov- they still run out.
- Weight. Additional 15 kg in weight velosipeda- pretty substantial increase, if you go on some pedals, but it does not feel, if you include the engine.
- Depreciation of spare parts. Cameras, tire and brake wear 2-3 times faster.
... Compared to benzovelosipedom.
+ Accessible. Petrol at an affordable price, I found only in Tambov.
+ Sustainability. It's all clear.
+ Noiseless. The electric motor does not emit almost no light crackle of sounds only.
- Restrictions. Benzomotor can be charged at any gas station. Even if at the gas station there is rozetka- charge Batteries have two hours.
... Compared to a moped, scooter.
+ Price. Cheap moped costs from 3000 UAH wheel- 2.
+ Disenfranchised. On mopeds need rights. And the price of study at a driving school and even registration mopeda- 3000grn.
+ Shipping weight, size. Moped on the 2nd floor not lift, the corridor will not put.
... Compared with public transport (except metro).
+ The rate.
I ride on electric bikes mostly on such routes: Vinogradar- CPI (and vice versa), Dorogozhichi- Vynogradar, KPI- Dorogozhichi, Vinogradar- Sviatoshyn.
Average travel time (and waiting) for the city transport on these routes - 45-55min, 45 minutes, 30 minutes (if no traffic jams), 30 minutes on elektorvelosipede: 30 min, 25 min, 15 min, 15 min.
+ Cost. The cost of a single charge based on grivny- about 45 cents. Travel on one of the 4 routes shuttles 2-50 (if you have a straight line) or 5 USD.
+ No traffic jams. Transport stoit- as you go along the sidewalk.
+ No, depending on the time of day. Ehat- night even better.
Of course, it is more convenient to ride a bike when the sun is shining, and the rest of the crowd at the bus stop or steamed in a crowded bus. But when even a small dozhd- water everywhere. Spray from the wheels veiled eyes, and if you go in a fog.
And some concluded.
Yet I have not written about the unexpected breakage in transit. Most rasprostranennaya- a departure from the battery contact. He stopped, opened the trunk, straightened and rode away.
The second most common is polomka- The broken rear camera. You should always carry a spare. But to change the camera under 10 kilogram bagazhnikom- occupation is not very convenient.
Criticality of failures, do not allow to continue the movement until I have, thank God, it was not.
The problem with parking it arises. Everywhere there is a place where you can attach a bicycle chain. At the university, I generally looking for some of it to the body. If you care so much about the safety of akkumov- hang the lock on the trunk, or carry them with you.
Vapor backpack with Batteries can be placed near a wall outlet and charge them perfectly.
If you ride a motor, as I do, that they have enough for exactly 15 km. If you go by the pedalyah- 30-40 km.
By and tselom- as urban transport electric bike I was quite happy and I do not regret that bought it.