Bicycle or Electric Bicycle – What’s the Difference?
Usually, an electric bike is quite simple to distinguish from a classic bicycle by the presence of massive bushings with a built-in electric motor and hinged boxes with batteries. The electric bike takes on an apparently awkward look compared to its graceful older brother.
Look at the picture. This is an ordinary modern bicycle, and no one doubts it. However, there is now reason for such doubts. At the bicycle exhibition “Spezibikeshow”, the original electric drive for the bicycle – Vivax – was demonstrated.
Unlike the usual electric motors for a bicycle, this one is located under the saddle, and transfers the torque not to the wheel directly, but to the shaft on which the pedals are fixed. A cylindrical 200W electric motor transmits torque using a rigid shaft passing inside the hollow frame and, through gear, helps the cyclist pedal.
This design allows you to make the electric drive completely secretive, and hide the batteries in a seat bag. There are two battery options 5.5 A-h or 8.4 A-h, giving a voltage of 30 V. The electric assistant can be switched on or off by the cyclist button on the steering wheel. The optimal speed of rotation is 60-90 rpm.
But the most interesting thing about this design is that it can be installed on almost any standard bicycle with a hollow frame. The weight of the set is about 1.8 kg, so you can still easily throw your bike into the bus or subway car.
At this stage, a working prototype set will cost at the price of a small supported car - 2550 euros, but, as it usually happens, with the entry into the mass market, innovative technologies very quickly become cheaper. And the new upgrade of the whale will allow electric two-wheeled transport to enter a new round of development.
Source: facepla.net