Hello, Dad: common male ancestor of all humans lived 239,000 years ago

Investigating the genetic material of 2,636 inhabitants of Iceland, the scientists were able to calculate , that the common ancestor all mankind masculine lived from about 174 to 321 thousand years ago. This is most likely value is equal to 239 thousand years.
This result is in contradiction with other work two years ago, in which American scientists from the University of Arizona calculate the age of a common male ancestor in 340 thousand years . On the other hand, it just confirmed an earlier study in which researchers from the Smithsonian Institution have estimated age & quot; митохондриальной Eve & quot ;, common female ancestor, in the amount of about 200 thousand years.
Kari Stefansson, a neurologist and co-operation, поясняет: "We have received detailed information on the gene sequence of a whole nation. This is a big step toward understanding how changes in the genome influence the changes that occur in people ».
In addition to historical studies and the diversity of the human population genetic studies aimed at finding the effect of various genes on disease. The more material genetics have, the easier it will be to conduct their research and the more practical benefit will be able to give their results.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247900/
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