"Internet drone» Titan from Google will go to a test flight in a few months

At MWC corporation Google, as represented by Sandar Pichaya (Sundar Pichai), сообщила about , that unmanned Titan will go to the first test flight later this year. Under the plan, the drone will distribute Internet slozhnodostupnyh regions, along with balloons of Project Loon. Technology for creating drones was bought together with developers in 2014.
Titan can stay in the air for a long time, and carry a payload - network equipment to provide cover remote regions.
According Sundara Pichaya now Titan project is approximately at the same stage of development, which was Project Loon couple of years ago. Now Team Titan has several prototypes of ultralight solar-powered UAV, which can rise up to the stratosphere. This allows you to provide cover a wide area network. UAVs can be used as an auxiliary tool in regions where there is Internet access, but the network bandwidth is not enough for everyone. They can work as stand-alone units, for example, in the regions affected by the earthquake or flood, natural phenomena, usually destroying much of the communication in the region.
It is worth noting that the Loon and Titan - not competitors. On the contrary, these two projects complement each other. If balloons Project Loon are about the same place, and manage their movement is quite difficult, the Titan - maneuverable device that can be easily sent to the desired region, where communication is urgently needed. Titan UAV can be compared to an ambulance, which arrived quickly, doing his job, and leaves.
According to representatives of the corporation, now there is hope for a successful start of the project to connect to the network in the region, where there is no connection, or it is of poor quality. And in such regions is home to about 4 billion people.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246656/
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