Scientists got the image of light, which behaves like a wave and a particle at the same time

scientists from Switzerland and the USA for the first time succeeded in capture light behaves as both a wave and a particle. For these experiments we used a unique electron microscope in the Swiss lab EPFL.
From school, we know the principle of корпускулярно-волнового dualism - in some cases, the light behaves like a wave, and in some - as a set of particles (photons). Albert Einstein used this principle to explain why some metals emit electrons when light falls on them. However, up to this point experiment to see how it happens, it was not possible to deliver. Now, however, scientists were able to do something like the photo light, which can be seen and the particles and waves.
For the experiment, the scientists aim the laser at a tiny metal wire diameter of 8 * 10 -8 sup> m, in which the light as a wave took place in one or the other way. Meeting with oneself, the light forms a standing wave, which in turn also emit light, but in the form of particles. The flow of electrons aimed at the right place, showed what is happening out there in all its beauty quantum.
The electrons interact with a standing wave, and because of this, their speed is changed. Using ultrafast microscope places where these changes were calculated, and the thus obtained image was waves. Simultaneously, the electrons interact with photons, in this case, exchanging energy quanta, and these changes have already been sealed as the interaction of electrons with the particles.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246668/
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