Finnish data center Yandex will heat 5,000 households

It is well known that when the server is running, especially the powerful, emit a lot of heat. And in a data center with thousands of servers, the heat - a huge number, and it has to take on the equipment. For this purpose, various methods are used, but the heat in most cases, is wasted. However, in some cases the heat energy is still disposed, and is used for useful purposes.
This is the case in the data center of the company "Yandex", who works in the Finnish city of Mäntsälä. The Russian company заключила contract with local power company Mäntsälän Sähkö, according to which the heat from the data center, "Yandex" will be used to heat buildings in the village.
According to the portal Tekniikka & Talous, the thermal energy generated by the data center, enough to heat 5,000 households that are connected to the central heating system. As for the heating infrastructure, then it will deal with the company Calefa, working in Hollola. Representatives of this company claim that their technology that allows to use the heat of the data center to heat homes, is currently the only one of its kind.
Finnish experts argue that this heat can be used as an alternative to thermal energy obtained as a result of local CHP working at the moment on the Russian natural gas. Such replacement will significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, the economic indicators of the project are not - as long as it is not clear how expensive is the thermal energy for the end user, and how heat from the data center cheaper or more expensive heat produced by burning natural gas.
It should be noted that the land in Mäntsälä company "Yandex" has acquired in 2013 for 1, 5 million euros. The total land area of 8 hectares.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245506/
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