Published fresh rating of the safest places to live

Company Economist Intelligence Unit , dedicated analysts and economic research, presented its annual report «Самые safe for the life of the city ». Cities are compared in 40 different quantitative and qualitative indicators. In total, ranking 50 cities around the world are involved, selected because of their geographical and political importance and the availability of reliable statistical data. Therefore, the rating is not vseobёmlyuschim - city, was on the 50th place is not the worst city to live in the world.
The report noted that the modern world for the most part live in the city (almost 4 billion people). Most resettled in the city of North Americans - 82%. The least urbanized Africa - where the figure is 40% so far. Most cities grow in size, although there are exceptions - Seoul, South Korea decreased by nearly one million people over the past 25 years. One of the interesting research findings: the most populated city in the world, Tokyo, and also the safest of all.

The level of urbanization i>
12% of all urban residents are "supermegapolisah" - cities with a population over 10 million. The number of these cities has almost tripled over the past 25 years. In cities with a population of more than a million lives in the amount of nearly 40% of city dwellers.
Twenty safest cities:
01 Tokyo
02 Singapore
03 Osaka
04 Stockholm
05 Amsterdam
06 Sydney
07 Zurich
08 Toronto
09 Melbourne
10 New York
11 Hong Kong
12 San Francisco
13 Taipei
14 Montreal
15 Barcelona
16 Chicago
17 Los Angeles
18 London
19 Washington DC
20 Frankfurt

The difference between the results of the rating and a sense of local residents in their polls. Only residents of Zurich properly assess the situation. I>
Moscow in the ranking was 43 spot in the neighborhood of Istanbul, Delhi, Mumbai and Mexico City. Since all parameters and accurate methods to measure them in the report is not presented, it is difficult to judge how good or politicized can be the result.
However, here is one of the indicators in Moscow according to portal legal statistics Prosecutor General's Office, the number of murders per 100,000 people in 2013 was 3.53. In New York, where in recent years fix рекордно low number of murders , this figure was 1.68.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245124/
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