The Department runs the OSes 40-year-old

Department for Work and Pensions UK (Department for Work and Pensions, DWP) announced that вакансии chief engineer (chief technology officer, CTO). CTO will manage the reorganization of the system and modernization, managing annual investment in the modernization of 1 billion pounds. System is used by about 100,000 officials. The salary will be 135,000 pounds a year. It is reported by the magazine CIO.
I wonder the same in all of this is the fact that to this day the Ministry of UK pension is running an operating system ICL VME , which for the first time was established there in 1974. More on mainframes Fujitsu. Of course, the British have always been famous for its conservatism, but a rarity necessarily surprising - no joke, the system has been running for over 40 years. Of course, the old mainframe computer is no longer there, and the system works in виртуальной environment under Linux on servers Intel PC . Virtualization VME was created by the company Fujitsu, which established more original equipment. But to keep the system has to work mainly with VME and write programs in Cobol, and the number of people who are able and willing to do so, has been steadily declining.

The Ministry is looking for a candidate with experience "transfer of large organizations with aging equipment on next-generation technologies - web, social networks, cloud computing, big data and machine learning system." Candidate must have a "passion for innovation" and "ability to establish business relations with technology startups and large tech-companies."
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244017/
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