The implant is able to restore the function of the damaged spinal cord

Scientists and engineers from Федеральной Polytechnic School of Lausanne and Swiss Research Center NCCR Robotics create a unique implant that can lead to revolution prosthetics. The implant, called e-dura, allows you to "fix" a spinal cord injury and has already proved to be successful in the months of experiments on animals. Now researchers are preparing to experiments on humans and prepare a prototype to enter the market. It is reported by ресурс Robohub .

Traditional treatments for spinal cord injury until now have been ineffective because implanted electrodes was hard to accurately place inside the tissue, also with prolonged use, they rubbed on the damaged tissue and the so-called твёрдую mater (protective "case" in which the brain), which in Latin is called «dura mater» (hence the name of the implant).

The device is a strip having a thickness of 200 nm and a stretch of soft silicone, which when fully deformation retains the ability to conduct electricity and the chemicals required for nerve stimulation. Wirings are made of a mixture of silicone and platinum microparticles. The microchannel for the fluid (section 100 micrometers 50) holds chemical neurotransmitters are reactivated spinal nerves. Rats with damaged spinal cord, over which the experiments were conducted, were able to walk two weeks after implantation, and wear a device for several months without tissue damage.
As the researchers report in the case of a successful conclusion to the market application of such implants can help not only to people with spinal cord injury, but also to those who are suffering from various neurological syndromes such as Parkinson's disease.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244019/
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