Nissan and NASA are working on a system of autonomous driving
The Japanese company Nissan and agency NASA объявили to start work on a common project . The aim of the project - creation of a system of autonomous driving.
The project is designed for five years, and the result should be the emergence of commercial versions of robotic vehicles. According to representatives of Nissan, the creation of such systems will increase the reliability of cars themselves, reduce accidents and reduce the number of vehicle emission (as a result of intelligent control systems auto modes).
This NASA experts will work on this project together with experts from Nissan. Work on the project will be carried out in Silicon Valley. Partners hope that the full results of the project will be presented in 2020 (it is the start of sales of complete systems). The first version of the system being tested now. Partners noted that Nissan will be able to use the technology NASA rovers remote management, and NASA will get from Nissan design to optimize the movement of vehicles through computer systems in an urban environment.
Now working on similar projects Toyota, Ford, Genetal Motors and Tesla. In addition, the first version of the robot cars have been featured by Google in the last year.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244009/
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