Private Russian company proposes to build a lunar base for 10 years
How TASS reported , Alexander Ilyin, Chief Designer of the Russian firm « Lin Industrial », which develops ultralight rocket & quot; Taimyr & quot ;, declared its readiness to establish a base on the Moon within 10 years after the decision. The cost base, according to preliminary estimates, will amount to 550 billion rubles. The draft program sent for approval to the Cabinet on the lunar program in 2014-2025 has been proposed to allocate about 2 trillion rubles. Thus manned mission to the moon and deployment of the first elements of the lunar infrastructure are planned after 2030.
The project involves the use of existing techniques and tools that can be created in the next five years. So, as a booster is proposed to use an upgraded heavy & quot; Angara & quot ;, the first flight which took place in late December. The ship, according to Ilyin, you can create on the basis of buildings lander and the orbital module "Unions" and the lunar module landing - on the basis of the upper stage "Fregat". To sustain a base need 37 starts for five years.
The company has already figured out where you can deploy the first lunar settlement - a mountain Malapert in the Moon's south pole. "This is a fairly flat plateau with direct visibility of the Earth, which provides good conditions for communication and is a convenient place for landing. On the mountain for 89% of the time there is sunlight, and the duration of the night, which happens only a few times a year, no more than 3-6 days, "- said Ilyin.
Commenting on this initiative, director of the Institute of Space Research, professor and a graduate of MIPT Lev Zeleny noted that the project symbolizes the return of interest to the study and exploration of the Moon. "But to talk about the construction of a settlement is too early," - said the academician.
Leo Green, photo Gazeta.ru i>
Green explained that first you need to choose a landing site, to create technologies that provide delivery and human activity on the Moon, to determine the objectives for astronauts and resolve the issue of radiation protection. The concept proposed by RAS and Roskosmos, these things are provided, reminded the director of the institute, offering to consider the project "Lin Industrial" "Artek imagination." "Well, what they dream. Their team has talented people. Some of their development in the future may be useful "- concluded Green.
Meanwhile, the state lunar program has not the best of days. Announced in 2014 extensive plans for the colonization of the satellite and the transfer of hazardous industries there were actually postponed indefinitely due to fever in the financial markets and general adverse economic circumstances at the end of 2014.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243813/