Peter Thiel is going to live up to 120 years
Peter Thiel - known investor in IT projects (co-founder of PayPal, early investments in Facebook), a brilliant lecture notes that the rate & quot; Startup a > & quot; published Habré - in an interview with Bloomberg Television shared with the audience that he was going to live to 120 years, and told how plans to achieve this.
First of all, 47-year-old Peter takes daily growth hormone соматотропин (One of anterior pituitary hormones), which allows him to maintain the volume of muscle mass, thus making it less likely injuries of bones and arthritis. In addition, he gave up sugar intake, regularly drink red wine, do not forget about the regular jogging and adheres Paleo diet , providing for the rejection of the "modern" foods, for example, wheat.
Other efforts to prolong life, which takes Peter - it's an investment in biotech companies. For example, areas of interest is the use of stem cells for the treatment of cancer and the cultivation of useful products in the laboratory. It is expected that advances in the treatment of cancer will be achieved in the next decade.
However, even this little Peter - need dreams. He инвестировал $ 1.25 million to a company planning to build an entire colony of the city for a Singles to libertarian views of the coast of San Francisco on a special platform. Residents of the city will have to enjoy life and to be free from the shackles of state laws and moral conventions.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243473/
By sleight of hand
The victory of Kim Jong Streisand effect: "Interview" was published in the online distribution