Peter Thiel is building Utopia

payment founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel donated $ 1, 25 billion dollars in the project to create the open sea island city-libertarian utopias, completely free of any laws. Bright future on offshore platforms, such as those used for oil and gas, building Seasteading Institute. Institute staff has drafted a plan for the first settlement. Platform 12 000 tonnes can accommodate 270 people, who want to escape from the state. However, it is not rigidly attached to one place, and can move freely in neutral waters by using diesel engines. As head of the hopes Seasteading Petri Friedman, 2050 in the sea will move tens of millions of people who inhabit hundreds of interconnected platforms. In the coming decades, the initiators intend to achieve recognition of the island-states of the UN to unhindered trade. That this can cause problems. The vessel can go to sea only under someone else's flag and, accordingly, on board the laws of the State under whose jurisdiction the vessel is located. The current law of the sea draws boats on the sea space is not intended.