When the soldier reached the patience it on the way to his will. He knows how to wait

- When a warrior reached patience, he on the way to his will. He knows how to wait. His death is sitting next to him on his mat. They are friends. Death mysteriously advises him, as circumstances vary and how to live strategically. And the warrior waits. I would say that the warrior learns without any hurry, because he knows that he is waiting for his will. Once he succeeds in accomplishing something, which is absolutely impossible to perform. He may not even notice his extraordinary deed. But as he continues to do extraordinary things, or as unusual things continue to happen to him, he begins to realize the manifestation of some forces emanating from his body. First, it is like itching or burning in the stomach, which can not be at ease. Then it becomes a pain, a great inconvenience. Sometimes the pain and discomfort so great that a warrior are convulsions within a month. The stronger convulsions, the better for him. Excellent will always preceded by severe pain.
When convulsions disappear warrior notices that he has a strange feeling about things. He notes that may, in fact, touch all that he wants the feeling that comes out of his body - from the point located at the navel. This feeling is the will, and when he is able to be covered by them, we can safely say that the warrior - the magician, and he will hit.
Don Juan stopped and seemed to be waiting for my comments or questions. I was too busy with the thought that the magician must experience pain and convulsions, and I was embarrassed to ask him if I should also go through with it. Finally, after a long silence, I asked him about it and he laughed, as if waiting for this question. He said that the pain is not absolutely necessary, and that he, for example, have never experienced it and will just come to him.
- Once I was in the mountains - he said - and came across a cougar, female. It was big and hungry. I ran, and she chased me. I climbed on a rock, and she stopped a few feet away, ready to attack. I began to throw stones at her. She snarled and was about to attack me. And then my will is completely out; I stopped the cougar before she jumped. I caressed her own will. I'm really touched her on her nipples. She looked at me with sleepy eyes and lay down. I ran as a son of a bitch, is not waiting for her to recover.
Don Juan made a very comical gesture depicts a man who values his life, running his hat and stick.
I told him that I was embarrassed to think that I expect only female mountain lions or convulsions. I will. - My benefactor was a magician with a large force, - he continued. - He was a warrior to the marrow. His will was indeed his most wonderful achievement. But a person can go even further. A person can learn to see. Once he learned to see, he does not need to be either a warrior or mage. Becoming a seer, a man becomes everything by becoming nothing. He seems to disappear, and at the same time, he remains. In principle, it can get everything you wish, and achieve everything, what would neither rushed. But he does not want anything, and instead play playing ordinary people as mindless toys, it dissolves among them, sharing their stupidity. The only difference is that seeing the control of his stupidity, but an ordinary man - not. Becoming a seer, a person loses interest in his fellow man. Vision allows him to turn away from everything he knew before.
- I shudder at the thought of the removal of all that I know - I said.
- You must be joking! You should not shudder at the thought, but because ahead of you there is nothing but routine repetition of the same actions over a lifetime. Imagine a man who from year to year to grow grain, and so long as the forces do not leave him, and he falls like a mangy old dog. All his thoughts and feelings, everything in it is the best, sacrificed one - food production, the production of food. Senseless sacrifice, a waste of time - to live, to eat, and eat for life, and then live to eat, and so - until his death. Entertainment invented by people, as if they were at the same time neither the tricks - just pathetic attempts to forget, will not go beyond the vicious circle - to eat to live, and live to eat ... As for me, it can not be worse than losing! < br />
We - the people, and our destiny, our purpose - to learn for the sake of opening more and more incomprehensible worlds.
- What new worlds - this is the reality? - I asked incredulously. - Silly you! We are only at the very beginning. Vision is available only impeccable warrior. Zack's your spirit and become so. Then, learning to see, you will know that the unknown worlds without number, and that all of them - here in front of us.
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