Facts about body
Broken heart - this is more than a metaphor. "Broken heart syndrome" - mimics a heart attack during a severe emotional stress and tragic events.
Your heart may beat outside of your body.
TransMedics developed a system that makes the heart pump blood donor, during transplantation, and it is amazing!
Your heart pumps blood, under such pressure that can squirt blood splatter on a distance of 9 meters.
Special mites live on your eyelashes.
They are called demodex, and they are being implemented in your hair follicles.
An average adult human body, at 10 times more bacteria than its own cell.
In other words, 90% of the cells in your body - strangers.
If you add and remove all of your blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries), this line would encircle the globe more than two times.
Do you live in the mouth more bacteria than the people on earth.
In rare cases, people received injuries of the frontal lobes of the brain, can develop "gourmand syndrome" - an eating disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with food and the reflections on the delicacies.
People with a rare aberration called "exploding head syndrome", they hear loud noises in the head, similar to the bombing, before falling asleep.
When you blush, your stomach mucosa - blushes too.
Tumors can grow teeth and hair.
They are called teratomas.
When you go to bed, you're shorter than when awake.
After 30 years, you reduce growth by about 2.5 centimeters every 10 years.
And for 60 years, you lose about half of your taste buds.
Kissing helps in the fight against tooth decay.
All the matter in the saliva!
All people are bioluminescent - we all emit a faint glow, which is not perceptible to the human eye.
Special cameras showed that the highest radiation comes from our cheeks, forehead and neck.
In the 1940s, about 75% of Americans admitted that they almost never saw the color of dreams.
Experts argue that this was due to a black and white TV.
Humans, like all mammals, there is a "diving reflex" by which man instinctively slows some internal organs to save energy during immersion in cold water.
Other mammals use it to hunt or dive, and people to survive and not drown.
In tears shed for different reasons - from sorrow, happiness or onions - in fact, a different composition.
With child-bearing woman's brain shrinks. To restore to its original form, will require approximately six months after delivery.
Children birth to 90 more bones than adults.
With age, the extra bones grow together with others.
The first thing that occurs in the human embryo - is the anus.
Second, we developed a mouth, which means that we treat Deuterostomates.
Source: vicer.ru

Your heart may beat outside of your body.
TransMedics developed a system that makes the heart pump blood donor, during transplantation, and it is amazing!

Your heart pumps blood, under such pressure that can squirt blood splatter on a distance of 9 meters.

Special mites live on your eyelashes.
They are called demodex, and they are being implemented in your hair follicles.

An average adult human body, at 10 times more bacteria than its own cell.
In other words, 90% of the cells in your body - strangers.

If you add and remove all of your blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries), this line would encircle the globe more than two times.

Do you live in the mouth more bacteria than the people on earth.
In rare cases, people received injuries of the frontal lobes of the brain, can develop "gourmand syndrome" - an eating disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with food and the reflections on the delicacies.
People with a rare aberration called "exploding head syndrome", they hear loud noises in the head, similar to the bombing, before falling asleep.
When you blush, your stomach mucosa - blushes too.
Tumors can grow teeth and hair.
They are called teratomas.
When you go to bed, you're shorter than when awake.
After 30 years, you reduce growth by about 2.5 centimeters every 10 years.
And for 60 years, you lose about half of your taste buds.
Kissing helps in the fight against tooth decay.
All the matter in the saliva!
All people are bioluminescent - we all emit a faint glow, which is not perceptible to the human eye.
Special cameras showed that the highest radiation comes from our cheeks, forehead and neck.
In the 1940s, about 75% of Americans admitted that they almost never saw the color of dreams.
Experts argue that this was due to a black and white TV.
Humans, like all mammals, there is a "diving reflex" by which man instinctively slows some internal organs to save energy during immersion in cold water.
Other mammals use it to hunt or dive, and people to survive and not drown.
In tears shed for different reasons - from sorrow, happiness or onions - in fact, a different composition.
With child-bearing woman's brain shrinks. To restore to its original form, will require approximately six months after delivery.
Children birth to 90 more bones than adults.
With age, the extra bones grow together with others.
The first thing that occurs in the human embryo - is the anus.
Second, we developed a mouth, which means that we treat Deuterostomates.
Source: vicer.ru