What has become of our machines
Ergonomics thought out to the smallest detail. Add in the limited space of several important sites - is an art. But who is interested, when the room is a terrifying look.
Once clean and well maintained bathroom had forgotten what it means to be clean. With 90 no one to make an effort to return it to its former white crystal. And he does not mind, among other things.
"Honor and glory to his work." Are you seriously?!
On the question of safety, always approach is particularly serious. However, now 20 years here to be safe
I understand that a great assembly hall. In the past, of course. How could destroy such capacity - still remains a mystery.
But once the control and supply could do and was able to do other cool stuff.
It would be nice it was to revive life in this rotten for years indoors
Bits and pieces of the head of the Yeltsin era - calendar, matches, kettle and dial phone. To complete the picture lacks only a slap issue of Playboy, where he delicately replaced the stale skanvordov.
From former work atmosphere here was only a stubby hood. But photo Nitsche so simpatichnenkaya.
It is time to burn everything here and to restore production capacity. So just like in Soviet times, it was - when you look at them, it is all about smoke and ecstasy, for fascinating spectacle.
Even hard to imagine what could be here before.
Pay Attention to Daniel's prophecy - that he should be a man!
No, well able to agree as to introduce in this seemingly harsh factory building as a piece of beauty. As you can see, despite all the hardships of the structure in the post-Soviet period with a beautiful part it is not ready.
Going by this transition is not something that I want, but just even dangerous. He is that and look to fall apart.
NaSTOLzhi, as they say. Perhaps this unit was in the office of a textured chief, of those that loved to dress up in a crimson jacket.
All of these machines if you wish, you can restore and re-launch the work. But that's why it was to bring the units to the point - the question.
All the hopelessness stankoproma 90 in one photo.
This building is dangerous to life, not only your hands to the plate here, even to be dumb.
Why such a hole in the ceiling? For the vast Santa Claus? We Grandfather Frost actually knocking at the door.
"Study, study and study again" - clearly not about the guys who worked here. At the time, it seemed to them that simply stupid hack loot.
But the caretaker should be commended. Over the years, nothing is lost, everything is also compact.
Filed "No comment." Brought building.
The only thing that reminds of the past workflow.
In general, a sad situation now in the domestic stankoprome looms. The share of the USSR of world production of machine tools according to 1954 was 18%. Russia now has a share of 0, 3%.
In the late eighties the Soviet Union came in third place for the production of machine tool among world powers. Japan held the first place, the second - of Germany, the fourth - the United States. Back in 1990 the Soviet Union was the third largest producer in the world and second for the consumption of machining equipment. Today, Russia is on these indicators, respectively, at the 22 th and 17 th places.
From 1984 to 1990, only Germany exported more than 45 thousand. Machines. The peak of our success was probably in 1990 when an international exhibition in Paris, we have all exhibited 49 machines were there and bought.
In 1986, the Soviet Union produced 220 thousand machines a year. In 1991, production fell to 76 thousand. In 2012, Russia produced only 3000 machines. This annual requirement of industry - not less than 50 thousand units of new machining equipment.
The Soviet fleet metalworking equipment by 94% of the country was ote¬chestvennym. Today, the share of domestic machine tools is not more than 10%. In Russia delivered three times more equipment than is produced domestically. 80% of imports - China and Thailand, 5-7% - Europe. But a few decades ago, China did not have any machine tool.
At the moment, the moral and physical depreciation of fixed assets, mainly metalworking equipment in the Russian engineering industry reached 70-80%. Every year, the country loses more than 50 thousand. Machines.
Currently, about 180 survived machine tool companies and organizations, representing approximately 70% of the ex-Soviet industrial might. The volume produced by the remaining capacity of production is 5% of the USSR. Already completely destroyed 42 machine tool enterprises.
The share of machine tool in the volume of industrial production in Russia is 19, 5%. For comparison, the figure in Germany, Japan, USA and others. Developed countries is 39 to 45%.
Volume of production of metal-working equipment in Russia in 2011 amounted to about 164 million dollars. The contribution of the machine tool in Russia's GDP in 2011 - 0, 023%. According to these indicators, Russia lags behind the leading countries. In particular, in the same year, China produced metalworking equipment by 27, 7 billion dollars. (Contribution of machine tool in the country's GDP - 0, 78%), Japan - 18, 4 billion (0, 73%), Germany - 13, 5 billion (0, 71%), Italy - 6, $ 2 billion. (0, 39%).
Negative trends in the development of the domestic machine tool are stored is not the first decade.
If the industry does not change, then all the loud statements about modernization can be considered idle chatter. Having our own machine tools - this is the first condition for the industrial independence of the country, but as a consequence of its political and economic independence.
Workshops are empty, no one to work.
Button stroke, which once regularly launched powerful trudoprotsess.
At the moment the machines abandoned machine-tool plant is actively pulled apart for scrap. While the potential of the machine after repair would be enough for another few years.
Lunch break. Forever. It is a pity that such an industry in our country started. Of course, now taken the first attempts to revive Stankoprom. But the situation is more reminiscent of the story of the Augean stables. Shit accumulated so much that it would have to wash for a long time. Some enterprises gradually rise from the ruins, but the overall situation is very deplorable. To raise our Stankoprom insufficient procurement of German machine tools and Chinese glazing, need a global and serious work. In the meantime what we have - and what we have. Collapsed machines plundered shops and faded posters - that's us, and memories of the once powerful industry.