Full understanding of father and son.
We go up to the fifth floor of one of the prefabricated houses on OZTP. Here the parent is living apartment Yuri. The hall grandfather Alexander nursed the baby. He is good at it: in addition to his son, and his wife, they raised two daughters.
- In civil marriage we lived for about nine years, - says Yuri. - When agreed, the daughter was ten months old, now she walks in the fourth grade. Anyway. Sometimes, go outside for a smoke, come back, and my wife does not open. Had to go to sleep to the parents. Shame on you, still more than thirty years. In the morning I come - as if everything is normal again. Before birth the wife stopped communicating with me. Thought to be held, pregnancy because sometimes strange effect on women. March 25 evening, I was informed that she had a son, the next morning went to the hospital. Come, and the doctor says, they say, why come - your wife wrote abandoned, left the child, called a taxi and left.
Jury returned home. The door opened a wife not only in the well said that the child had died in childbirth. "What are you talking about, at birth! I just got out of the hospital, "- said the husband.
- His wife worked in a kindergarten, like children should love ... I do not know why it happened - he adds.
Yuri decided to take the child. Named Artyom.
- Five months of legal proceedings, has not yet made a DNA test to confirm paternity, because we were not itemized. Paid twenty thousand, - the father continues. - In the courts of law wife was not. On visits to the district did not respond, the phone numbers changed.
Only after the court awarded the child's father's name. While there was a process, the boy was in the child's home. Yuri obtaining authorization in the city administration, regularly visited his little son. Home he was taken on September 17. It is said that in the history of the child's home is a rarity.
There were no financial problems. Yuri has a third group of disability: implications affected injury during military service. His pension - 8700 rubles. Specialty - mechanical technician, until recently, worked as a driver. Parents - pensioners. But as they say, with the world on a string, for the first time gathered all you need: pushchair, sliders, and other things. The most expensive - baby food, a month it takes about eight thousand. Now authorities are issued Social Security documents. Yuri will receive all the required privileges. In the meantime, have to rely on their own funds.
Baby grow strong, healthy.
- Sleeps son normally, only one - a bit naughty. Apparently, the teeth are cut. Maybe the change of weather to blame - says the father.
A former civil wife Yuri never any desire to meet, look at the child. Woman escapes and the child's father. None of the friends do not know where she is.
- Home - year and a half proterpet - adds grandfather Alexander, - then it will be easier.
He sends a baby son. He gently presses it to his chest. Little boy stares at his father. They have a full understanding.
Source: www.orvest.ru
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