Who knows how he catches

Long time already went on a fishing trip, decided to share, like fishing here, and sidekick sitting here, see, will be happy, :)

Who knows how he catches, but Kirya ?: P

Leave :)

Rakirovochka cars :) Refill

We arrived at 6:30 in my

Georgia, flooded.

Going to a place 40 minutes, who knows the place - caught in front Mäksa Parish.

Prem instrument

The sun was already high, it's time to unwind

Rushed, caught only on the track, throwing spinners did not take.

First there

Too small, let go of


And release


Here it is ...



Again bite

Hales, actually caught everything I just fotkal, its not zafotkal fish, and when his father caught, had to steer the boat.




And this was like the biggest

And such

Then it started to rain, the sea excited

Flooded home

Here is the entire catch



Package in the bag and the bag in the package

Here father, collects all the harness, thanks to him for fishing.

It was an extreme photo can break.

At a sidekick son was born yesterday, now let the pictures on the looks and fishing dreams :)