Igor Novikov: "Barsik, I'll find you."
So it happens that the video shot in the distant 2001, it became a huge hit right now. Nizhny Novgorod simple soldier who tries to save the cat - that this story was one of the commercials Network television HH. During the two-minute video of soldiers managed to break the window bottle, cut down a tree, to break the power line and hit the current cat. This epic video scored more than one million views, and Internet regulars have come up with more than 100 memes about a soldier and a cat. We could not stay away and found this very, Igor Novikov superspasatelya.
Igor Novikov: "Barsik, I'll find you».
"Knew that he would be 12 years later a relative of mine, would not have married for your favorite! To tears! Watch this video, you will not regret! Maybe someone remembers "- jokes Nizhegorodka Svetlana Novikova.
"Yes, I saw it myself personally rescued animals, and Igor know - says Anastasia Vorobeva.- It was 13 years ago, at the Stanislavsky Street in Sormovo. Frankly, the video looked even earlier laugh. Well, now all remembered. Cat was very sorry, he scared scary, but still survived ».
"When they saw Igorka on video just died laughing. Only it is not clear who makes him such a star - he is now everywhere on the Internet, "- says Beslan Tarbes familiar Igor Novikov.
Source: progorodnn.ru

Igor Novikov: "Barsik, I'll find you».

"Knew that he would be 12 years later a relative of mine, would not have married for your favorite! To tears! Watch this video, you will not regret! Maybe someone remembers "- jokes Nizhegorodka Svetlana Novikova.
"Yes, I saw it myself personally rescued animals, and Igor know - says Anastasia Vorobeva.- It was 13 years ago, at the Stanislavsky Street in Sormovo. Frankly, the video looked even earlier laugh. Well, now all remembered. Cat was very sorry, he scared scary, but still survived ».
"When they saw Igorka on video just died laughing. Only it is not clear who makes him such a star - he is now everywhere on the Internet, "- says Beslan Tarbes familiar Igor Novikov.
Source: progorodnn.ru