Yakov Pavlov greeted the war in the area of Kovel

Yakov Pavlov greeted the war in the area of Kovel as part of the South-Western Front. After days of heavy fighting retreat to the east part, in which he served, reorganized, and the summer of 1942, Sergeant Pavlov became a member of the 13th Guards Division of the Don Front.
After the exercises, Kamyshin Pavlov was appointed to command the machine gun compartment 7th Company, and the 13th Guards transferred to Stalingrad.
At this time - was in September 1942 - in the cities affected by the bombings and attacks, there were fights. Less than two months ago, Pavlov was in Stalingrad, still lived a peaceful life, and the city, which he now saw, was not found. "Eighteen months ago, its streets were decorated with beautiful buildings - Pavlov writes in his memoirs - and now in their place were black, charred skeletons of houses, many houses burned».
Were difficult days of defensive battles where soldiers Guards Division fought for every meter of Stalingrad, for each captured building.
After several successful raids behind enemy Sergeant Pavlov was tasked with a group of scout as reinforced one of the houses in the city center. Four-story building that overlooked the square on January 9, miraculously survived bombed and occupied an important tactical position. Entrenched in it, it was possible to organize a defensive perimeter, and a well view the position of the Nazis.

By nightfall, Yakov Pavlov, along with three fighters - N.Chernogolovom, V.Gluschenko and A.Aleksandrovym - Send errand. Crawling, hiding from the German bullets, the fighters get to the right building.
During the investigation it became clear that the Germans settled in the second entrance, and Sergeant Pavlov gave the order to dislodge the enemy fighters out of the building. The order they are executed. Throwing the room in which there are Nazis, grenades, soldiers shot at close range surviving enemies. The house has been taken!
"I remembered that the company commander sent us only for exploration at home, and the order to seize the house was not. We can say, exceeded the order - not only explored, but also took home "- Pavlov wrote in his memoirs.
Leave empty building was impossible - the Nazis at any moment could take it back, and Sergeant Pavlov decided to stay and keep the defense.
In the cellars of the defenders found tenants, among them was a medical orderly and Kalinin, who, after the sudden attacks of the enemy simply could not leave the building. His Pavlov and sent to the company commander with the report that the building was brought under control and urgently needed reinforcement.

For three days there was no news from the headquarters, and four hungry fighters with scarce ammunition advocated building, fighting off numerous enemy attack. Why is there no reinforcements managed to pass a note if medical orderly Kalinin, whether he is alive - these questions had no answers.
Reinforcements arrived only on the fourth day. First three fighters, then another and another. By evening, the building is already 18 fighters. They all believed that none of the group Pavlova is no longer alive. This Sergeant joked: "The enemy bullets at us and not yet cast».
Now in their possession was a machine gun "Maxim", anti-tank and mortar guns, sniper on the roof was on duty, and had links with the headquarters. All attempts by the Germans to go on the offensive were cut at the root.
But with each failed attack enemy tightened. "It seemed as if they wanted to wipe out the building, which lost a good position" - remember Pavlov. House on the Square on January 9 bombed several times a day, fired from artillery, but he still remained for the enemy impregnable fortress. Even having lost the roof and one wall, building defied the Nazis.
And the soldiers were not going to give up! They courageously and steadfastly kept the defense for two months - just as long as Soviet troops did not go to the offensive.
Building on the square became a symbol of the heroic fortitude and courage of defenders, and the people began to be called "House of Pavlov».

Yakov Pavlov himself did not consider only his house, "Soldier's my honor must be said that this house was not only the home of Pavlov, but also the home of Alexandrov, Blackheads, Glushchenko, Sukby, Stepanoshvili and our entire garrison, which, sparing life following orders command and fight to the death for their position ».
He went through the war, news of the victory caught him on the Elbe. A June 17, 1945, Yakov Pavlov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Source: defendingrussia.ru