71-th anniversary of the defeat of German forces at Stalingrad
February 2, 1943 ended with the Battle of Stalingrad - a major battle between the forces of the Soviet Union on the one hand, and the troops of the Third Reich, Romania, Italy, Hungary, on the other. The battle is one of the most important events of the Second World War, and along with the Battle of Kursk was the turning point in the course of military operations, after which the German troops finally lost the strategic initiative.
Because with this great victory Here are some quotes of the great military leader of the Soviet Union Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky about this great battle.
Aleksandr Vasilevsky (18 (30) September 1895 - December 5, 1977) - Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), Chief of Staff, a member of the Supreme Command. During the Great Patriotic War as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945) took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. Since February 1945 commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led by storm Konigsberg. In 1945 Chief of Soviet forces in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest generals of World War II.
"Within four months of the German High Command, despite huge losses in manpower and technology, takes multiple attempts to capture the city. In vain! "To stand and win!" - This laconic commandment firmly as unbreakable vow came into consciousness defenders Volga stronghold, expressed unwavering determination to bleed and destroy the hated enemy. Each of them is clearly aware that it is here, on the banks of the Volga, decide the outcome of not only domestic, and in the Second World War ...
By the nature of the events of Stalingrad battle consisted of two distinct periods: the defensive - on the outskirts of Stalingrad and in the city (from July 17 to November 18) and offensive that ended the elimination of huge enemy group (from 19 November 1942 to 2 February 1943) ».
"Glorious defenders of Stalingrad, the sons of all the fraternal republics of the Soviet Union defended, counterattacked and inflicted a severe blow to the enemy ... In the battle between the Don and Volga, comes to an extreme degree of bitterness, July - November the German High Command were missing about 700 000 soldiers and officers more than a thousand tanks, over 2,000 guns and mortars, more than 1,400 aircraft. Soviet soldiers showed not only a very strong moral and political hardening, but also great skill ».
"In Western historiography of World War II found the allegation that the German High Command knew about the Soviet counterattack at Stalingrad, but the fault of Hitler could not take proper measures to prevent defeat. Former Chief of General Staff of the Army Zeitzler wrote after the war: "Awful foresee the impending catastrophe and at the same time not being able to prevent it».
"February 2, 1943 were made last shots of the battle on the Volga. She gave a home to thousands and thousands of heroes - ordinary soldiers, commanders and political workers. Their exploits - a symbol of our military glory. A large number of formations and units were awarded honorary titles awarded orders, transformed into a guard. More than 700 000 participants defense of the city-hero and defeat the enemy hordes awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad." Recognition of special merit heroes of Stalingrad was the construction of the legendary Mamaev Hill majestic monument-ensemble ».
"Bookstores bourgeois West continue to flood the most variegated" research "in which biased, tendentious highlights events that took place on the Volga and in other parts of the Soviet-German front. Some of the authors of such "research", as, for example, US General Walker, agree to the fact that the Battle of Stalingrad did not exist. This general said that the battle on the Volga - it is just a propaganda invention of the Communists. It seems that such a statement can only make a person suffering from mental imbalance. Let us turn to the text of the document. It is stored, among other relics in the museum of the city-hero, whose name is called Battle on the Volga. This Certificate of US President Franklin Roosevelt. Here is the text: "On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I present this letter of Stalingrad, to celebrate our admiration for his brave defenders, courage, fortitude and dedication that during the siege of September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free people. Their glorious victory stemmed the tide of invasion and was a turning point in the war against the forces of allied nations aggression ».
"In the military decided to distinguish between two types of superiority in manpower and equipment: general excellence and superiority in the main sectors. Always, of course, desirable to have overall excellence, is an important factor in achieving victory. However, the overall superiority of Stalingrad we had. Here is how looks the correlation of forces and means to November 19, 1942. Soviet forces: people - 1106 1 thousand., Guns and mortars - 15,501 tanks and self-propelled guns - 1463 combat aircraft - 1350. The troops of the enemy - respectively 1011, 5 th., 10290, 675, 1216. Therefore, at the beginning counteroffensive we had only a slight superiority in artillery and tanks ».
Bourgeois falsifiers endeavor to prove that the "decisive battle" of the Second World War took place there, where the act of Anglo-American troops. Called, in particular, the area of El Alamein. Once again, we recall that in October 1942 at Stalingrad, there were over 50 German divisions, and in the area of El Alamein only 12. The difference, as we see, is very significant. We also recall that at that time the German command held at Stalingrad main force of tanks and aircraft. Next. Bourgeois falsifiers, losing all sense of proportion, the Battle of Stalingrad put on a par with the landing of American troops on the island of Guadalcanal. But we know that the number of Japanese garrison defending the island this does not exceed 2 000 people.
In "research" belonging to the bourgeois falsifiers, nothing is said about the achievements of Soviet military art in the Battle of Stalingrad. But in every way rehash statement about the alleged Nazi generals our overwhelming superiority in men and materiel
"No matter how zealous modern bourgeois falsifiers of malicious distortion of history, they will not be able to erase from the minds of human greatness Stalingrad victory. And for our and future generations forever and will remain the undisputed fact that after the defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler clique, despite all efforts, could not restore the former, the combat capability of the army, found herself with a deep military and political crisis. Battle of Stalingrad on the right is defined as the largest military and political events of the Second World War. It Stalingrad victory predetermined beginning of the collapse of the fascist bloc, has increased the scope of the liberation movement in the countries came under the yoke of Nazi occupation, clearly demonstrated that the charge of socialism is not only true, but the life force that fascism is doomed to inevitable destruction »
Because with this great victory Here are some quotes of the great military leader of the Soviet Union Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky about this great battle.

Aleksandr Vasilevsky (18 (30) September 1895 - December 5, 1977) - Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), Chief of Staff, a member of the Supreme Command. During the Great Patriotic War as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945) took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. Since February 1945 commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led by storm Konigsberg. In 1945 Chief of Soviet forces in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest generals of World War II.

"Within four months of the German High Command, despite huge losses in manpower and technology, takes multiple attempts to capture the city. In vain! "To stand and win!" - This laconic commandment firmly as unbreakable vow came into consciousness defenders Volga stronghold, expressed unwavering determination to bleed and destroy the hated enemy. Each of them is clearly aware that it is here, on the banks of the Volga, decide the outcome of not only domestic, and in the Second World War ...
By the nature of the events of Stalingrad battle consisted of two distinct periods: the defensive - on the outskirts of Stalingrad and in the city (from July 17 to November 18) and offensive that ended the elimination of huge enemy group (from 19 November 1942 to 2 February 1943) ».

"Glorious defenders of Stalingrad, the sons of all the fraternal republics of the Soviet Union defended, counterattacked and inflicted a severe blow to the enemy ... In the battle between the Don and Volga, comes to an extreme degree of bitterness, July - November the German High Command were missing about 700 000 soldiers and officers more than a thousand tanks, over 2,000 guns and mortars, more than 1,400 aircraft. Soviet soldiers showed not only a very strong moral and political hardening, but also great skill ».

"In Western historiography of World War II found the allegation that the German High Command knew about the Soviet counterattack at Stalingrad, but the fault of Hitler could not take proper measures to prevent defeat. Former Chief of General Staff of the Army Zeitzler wrote after the war: "Awful foresee the impending catastrophe and at the same time not being able to prevent it».

"February 2, 1943 were made last shots of the battle on the Volga. She gave a home to thousands and thousands of heroes - ordinary soldiers, commanders and political workers. Their exploits - a symbol of our military glory. A large number of formations and units were awarded honorary titles awarded orders, transformed into a guard. More than 700 000 participants defense of the city-hero and defeat the enemy hordes awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad." Recognition of special merit heroes of Stalingrad was the construction of the legendary Mamaev Hill majestic monument-ensemble ».

"Bookstores bourgeois West continue to flood the most variegated" research "in which biased, tendentious highlights events that took place on the Volga and in other parts of the Soviet-German front. Some of the authors of such "research", as, for example, US General Walker, agree to the fact that the Battle of Stalingrad did not exist. This general said that the battle on the Volga - it is just a propaganda invention of the Communists. It seems that such a statement can only make a person suffering from mental imbalance. Let us turn to the text of the document. It is stored, among other relics in the museum of the city-hero, whose name is called Battle on the Volga. This Certificate of US President Franklin Roosevelt. Here is the text: "On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I present this letter of Stalingrad, to celebrate our admiration for his brave defenders, courage, fortitude and dedication that during the siege of September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will forever inspire the hearts of all free people. Their glorious victory stemmed the tide of invasion and was a turning point in the war against the forces of allied nations aggression ».

"In the military decided to distinguish between two types of superiority in manpower and equipment: general excellence and superiority in the main sectors. Always, of course, desirable to have overall excellence, is an important factor in achieving victory. However, the overall superiority of Stalingrad we had. Here is how looks the correlation of forces and means to November 19, 1942. Soviet forces: people - 1106 1 thousand., Guns and mortars - 15,501 tanks and self-propelled guns - 1463 combat aircraft - 1350. The troops of the enemy - respectively 1011, 5 th., 10290, 675, 1216. Therefore, at the beginning counteroffensive we had only a slight superiority in artillery and tanks ».

Bourgeois falsifiers endeavor to prove that the "decisive battle" of the Second World War took place there, where the act of Anglo-American troops. Called, in particular, the area of El Alamein. Once again, we recall that in October 1942 at Stalingrad, there were over 50 German divisions, and in the area of El Alamein only 12. The difference, as we see, is very significant. We also recall that at that time the German command held at Stalingrad main force of tanks and aircraft. Next. Bourgeois falsifiers, losing all sense of proportion, the Battle of Stalingrad put on a par with the landing of American troops on the island of Guadalcanal. But we know that the number of Japanese garrison defending the island this does not exceed 2 000 people.
In "research" belonging to the bourgeois falsifiers, nothing is said about the achievements of Soviet military art in the Battle of Stalingrad. But in every way rehash statement about the alleged Nazi generals our overwhelming superiority in men and materiel

"No matter how zealous modern bourgeois falsifiers of malicious distortion of history, they will not be able to erase from the minds of human greatness Stalingrad victory. And for our and future generations forever and will remain the undisputed fact that after the defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler clique, despite all efforts, could not restore the former, the combat capability of the army, found herself with a deep military and political crisis. Battle of Stalingrad on the right is defined as the largest military and political events of the Second World War. It Stalingrad victory predetermined beginning of the collapse of the fascist bloc, has increased the scope of the liberation movement in the countries came under the yoke of Nazi occupation, clearly demonstrated that the charge of socialism is not only true, but the life force that fascism is doomed to inevitable destruction »
