General Assault
"The feat - this is all that will be done for the good of human thee: thou nurtured tender stalk of wheat or a forged plow - all that you have done with love for the country, for its people».
IN AND. Chuikov
February 12, 1900 in a peasant family was born one of the most famous Soviet generals Vasily Chuikov. On account of the troops under his command tens victorious operations. Let us remember the exploits of the hero of the Soviet Union twice, Heroes of Stalingrad and the person who accepted the surrender of the Berlin garrison, and his soldiers.
In the summer of 1942, when the best fascist forces were sent to Stalingrad, Chuikov was appointed deputy commander of the 64th Army Mikhail Shumilova. Vasily Ivanovich was commissioned to create a barrier in the way of the enemy on the River Aksay, unite and lead the troops have suffered losses. Later, the group was named the South.
Infantry of the enemy were able to cross the river. Chuikov should not allow transfer across the pond the main forces of the enemy. It took an extraordinary decision. Vasily, who had a short time to study well the tactics of the Nazis, said that the German generals are on the template: the first air strikes, then artillery, then go infantry, followed by tanks. Chuikov decided to work in advance. At dawn on August 6 when the German planes had not yet fly, artillery struck the southern group of enemy concentration. Following the attack went our infantry, the dregs of the enemy coast, which disrupted the enemy's plans for the construction of bridges and the crossing of armored vehicles. The next day the plan was repeated, only this time at sunset, when Hitler's air force did not have time to take off.
This enabled other compounds 64 military foothold in new frontiers. About the exploits of a group Chuikova Shumilov later recalled: "One day about ten o'clock Chuykov not made itself felt. Then it turned out that during this time he had visited on several sectors of the front. At one point, bewildered gunners helped repel the tanks, the other - to stop the retreating unit, left without commanders. He turned back and ordered the chain to dig new frontier ».
September 12, 1942 Chuikov was ordered to lead the 62-th army and defend Stalingrad at all costs. It was then, turning to the soldiers, Vasily Ivanovich uttered the phrase "For the Volga there is no land for us!" Went down in history. But for tactical tricks for key commander can call phrase from his book "The Battle of the Century": "At the forefront of my thinking was a soldier. It is the main participant in the war. Sometimes it is better to know the psychology of the enemy soldiers than the generals, watching the battle formations of the enemy from the vantage point ».
Seeking to counter enemy aircraft Chuikov decided to use the experience of a soldier Protodjakonova. Caught with his gun in the neutral zone, he is not moved to its cutting edge, and entrenched, aptly hitting enemy tanks. Aircraft bombed his position is not, afraid to hit their units. Having discovered this fact, Vasily ordered his connections to move closer to the enemy - burrow, posts, trenches, zigzagging trenches so as to reduce the width of the neutral zone to throw grenades. After that, the fascist bombs often fall back on already empty trenches. When German planes still tried to bomb our cutting edge, often shells struck Hitler shelves.
However, Chuikov ordered all chiefs to go on the cutting edge. The morale of the rank and file fighters greatly increased when they saw in the trenches next to a high-ranking commanders, staff officers. And he Vasily with his deputies did not sit in the command post. They often went to the trenches, showing that the generals did not run beyond the Volga, along with the soldiers defending the town.
When the fighting in Stalingrad, the army commander ordered the formation of small assault groups of 20-50 people. It is they who, in the opinion of the general, achieved greater success in the capture of buildings or breakthrough the fortified strongholds of the enemy. The structure of these compounds is often included engineers, chemists, tank destroyers and scouts. Time Action assault teams were selected such that the enemy did not expect this - we can say, a favorite method that Chuikov well learned to use in civil war. Commander taught that breaking into the house, the soldiers must forward to throw a grenade, but before the drop into the room - and throw a grenade and shell space of the machine. This tactic enabled the Soviet troops not only successfully defend the city, but gradually begin to attack. Psychologically, the commander of the 62nd victory over the Germans in the middle of October.
For an unprecedented heroism and resilience of staff in April 1943, 62 Army was awarded the title of "Guards" and became known as the "Eighth Guards Army." Chuikov himself for the defense of Stalingrad was promoted to the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
By the final stage of the Great Patriotic Eighth Guards Army was part of the First Belorussian Front. Extraordinary ability commander Chuikov once again evident during the Vistula-Oder operation. So, during the onset of the Vistula Kovel during the breakthrough defensive zone Vasily applied escalating reconnaissance in advance of the main forces. The defense has been successfully breached the enemy to the entire depth.
When the army came to the Vistula, the commander did not wait for the arrival of the special crossing equipment and began to force the river to go. It is possible to create on the west bank of the significant bridgehead from which troops rushed to the Oder. After that, the Eighth Army put two problems at once - one part of the forces storm Poznan, the other - to develop the offensive in Germany and participated in the capture Kyustrinskogo bridgehead. Both of them have been successfully resolved. Experts still can not understand how Chuikov managed to participate in the realization of two simultaneous orders.
Guardsmen Chuikova end the war in Berlin, at which the capture of Vasily Ivanovich finally stuck the nickname "General Assault". It was at his command post May 2, 1945 Head of the Berlin garrison, General Weidling signed an order to cease resistance and surrendered.
Source: www.rg.ru
IN AND. Chuikov
February 12, 1900 in a peasant family was born one of the most famous Soviet generals Vasily Chuikov. On account of the troops under his command tens victorious operations. Let us remember the exploits of the hero of the Soviet Union twice, Heroes of Stalingrad and the person who accepted the surrender of the Berlin garrison, and his soldiers.

In the summer of 1942, when the best fascist forces were sent to Stalingrad, Chuikov was appointed deputy commander of the 64th Army Mikhail Shumilova. Vasily Ivanovich was commissioned to create a barrier in the way of the enemy on the River Aksay, unite and lead the troops have suffered losses. Later, the group was named the South.
Infantry of the enemy were able to cross the river. Chuikov should not allow transfer across the pond the main forces of the enemy. It took an extraordinary decision. Vasily, who had a short time to study well the tactics of the Nazis, said that the German generals are on the template: the first air strikes, then artillery, then go infantry, followed by tanks. Chuikov decided to work in advance. At dawn on August 6 when the German planes had not yet fly, artillery struck the southern group of enemy concentration. Following the attack went our infantry, the dregs of the enemy coast, which disrupted the enemy's plans for the construction of bridges and the crossing of armored vehicles. The next day the plan was repeated, only this time at sunset, when Hitler's air force did not have time to take off.
This enabled other compounds 64 military foothold in new frontiers. About the exploits of a group Chuikova Shumilov later recalled: "One day about ten o'clock Chuykov not made itself felt. Then it turned out that during this time he had visited on several sectors of the front. At one point, bewildered gunners helped repel the tanks, the other - to stop the retreating unit, left without commanders. He turned back and ordered the chain to dig new frontier ».

September 12, 1942 Chuikov was ordered to lead the 62-th army and defend Stalingrad at all costs. It was then, turning to the soldiers, Vasily Ivanovich uttered the phrase "For the Volga there is no land for us!" Went down in history. But for tactical tricks for key commander can call phrase from his book "The Battle of the Century": "At the forefront of my thinking was a soldier. It is the main participant in the war. Sometimes it is better to know the psychology of the enemy soldiers than the generals, watching the battle formations of the enemy from the vantage point ».
Seeking to counter enemy aircraft Chuikov decided to use the experience of a soldier Protodjakonova. Caught with his gun in the neutral zone, he is not moved to its cutting edge, and entrenched, aptly hitting enemy tanks. Aircraft bombed his position is not, afraid to hit their units. Having discovered this fact, Vasily ordered his connections to move closer to the enemy - burrow, posts, trenches, zigzagging trenches so as to reduce the width of the neutral zone to throw grenades. After that, the fascist bombs often fall back on already empty trenches. When German planes still tried to bomb our cutting edge, often shells struck Hitler shelves.
However, Chuikov ordered all chiefs to go on the cutting edge. The morale of the rank and file fighters greatly increased when they saw in the trenches next to a high-ranking commanders, staff officers. And he Vasily with his deputies did not sit in the command post. They often went to the trenches, showing that the generals did not run beyond the Volga, along with the soldiers defending the town.
When the fighting in Stalingrad, the army commander ordered the formation of small assault groups of 20-50 people. It is they who, in the opinion of the general, achieved greater success in the capture of buildings or breakthrough the fortified strongholds of the enemy. The structure of these compounds is often included engineers, chemists, tank destroyers and scouts. Time Action assault teams were selected such that the enemy did not expect this - we can say, a favorite method that Chuikov well learned to use in civil war. Commander taught that breaking into the house, the soldiers must forward to throw a grenade, but before the drop into the room - and throw a grenade and shell space of the machine. This tactic enabled the Soviet troops not only successfully defend the city, but gradually begin to attack. Psychologically, the commander of the 62nd victory over the Germans in the middle of October.
For an unprecedented heroism and resilience of staff in April 1943, 62 Army was awarded the title of "Guards" and became known as the "Eighth Guards Army." Chuikov himself for the defense of Stalingrad was promoted to the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

By the final stage of the Great Patriotic Eighth Guards Army was part of the First Belorussian Front. Extraordinary ability commander Chuikov once again evident during the Vistula-Oder operation. So, during the onset of the Vistula Kovel during the breakthrough defensive zone Vasily applied escalating reconnaissance in advance of the main forces. The defense has been successfully breached the enemy to the entire depth.
When the army came to the Vistula, the commander did not wait for the arrival of the special crossing equipment and began to force the river to go. It is possible to create on the west bank of the significant bridgehead from which troops rushed to the Oder. After that, the Eighth Army put two problems at once - one part of the forces storm Poznan, the other - to develop the offensive in Germany and participated in the capture Kyustrinskogo bridgehead. Both of them have been successfully resolved. Experts still can not understand how Chuikov managed to participate in the realization of two simultaneous orders.
Guardsmen Chuikova end the war in Berlin, at which the capture of Vasily Ivanovich finally stuck the nickname "General Assault". It was at his command post May 2, 1945 Head of the Berlin garrison, General Weidling signed an order to cease resistance and surrendered.

Source: www.rg.ru