Sheer charm
What could be bad lemurchik? Glazastenky, Pushistenkaya, plyushevenky such ... Straight take it in the morning on the handle and squeeze! But nothing of the sort. Firstly, lemur - Night beast: it all day snoozing, and after sunset wakes up and demands food. If you want your animal to be healthy and well-fed in moderation, you will need to feed him heroically at night. Second lemur - wildly capricious and horrible not eat. So I have to cook for him milk porridge, as well as attend for nutritional giant crickets and delicious meal worms, without which lemurchik zahireet and order-to. And not even the fact that he agreed to the proposal diet. In such cases, the experts at sprinkle recommend "tasteless" for lemurchika food pollen. Are you ready to sprinkle meal worms pollen? Yes? Then go for it.
According to the level mimimishnosti owls are comparable only to that of seals (and with them almost no comparable). Such ruffled such touching, such with wings ... All right! But first have to learn feeding your pet bigeye integral (in the skins and feathers) myshatkami or chickens, learn to dig into that wonderful sovushka burps (there is a wonderful word - regurgitates), and along with that falls from her a wonderful tail. Regurgitates healthy - a healthy pet.
Oh, how cute, how ridiculous and funny as minipig! Zavedёm as soon minipiga! Have nothing against. Do we want to warn - not all that small, that in infancy small. You may not get lucky and instead shestikilogrammovogo pet you get the fatted pig the size of a shepherd.
Home fox
Purchased a minute we lisonku home, especially because there is a special "not wild" species. This breed does have, it is true. But the fox is still not a dog. They can not be tamed, they do not understand the orders and do not forgive the one who has ever punished them - turn in on themselves, and cease to make contact. So, with a fox only "you" and no familiarity. And foxes shed. Therefore, they need to comb out every day, otherwise your house will turn into a fox hole. Speaking of the order in the house lisonek also have some idea. How do they represent it? Leave a fox one hour, and you will realize how.
Raccoon. So cool, especially when "erases". Even some cool! You will understand it almost immediately when he learned how to open doors, cabinets, refrigerator and a private enclosure. And do not try to remove valuables "higher." For raccoon there is no "higher". As, however, does not exist and valuables, except the bin.
What if get axolotl? Silent, pleasing in appearance, small size and clean, because it lives in water. Compared with raccoon - an angel and not a beast. But sometimes this angel is hot. And then you have to put in the ice tank and make sure that the crumb-axolotl has overheated. And that's nothing, but eats axolotl chopped earthworms. It can, of course, and caruncle bite, but worms for him delicacy. But both want to be pampered pet tasty!
Let's look at zublefarov or geckos. Pretty lizards, such unpretentious. They do not have anyone to finely chop for dinner? Exactly! Completely unpretentious. Ingest large cockroaches whole, without wincing. Only first need to sprinkle with powdered chalk cockroaches, and they could zublefarchiki themselves realized what to do. This is most useful for them food. So what? You still want to have zublefara?
Want meerkat! Because meerkats - funny, and able to stand on their hind legs across his close-knit family. Unfortunately, at the expense of the family noticed an incredibly accurate. Meerkats live in colonies, so I count on a couple or even a dozen. And no enclosures. Meerkat - beast free! For a complete happiness necessary to him sandpit to dig and enjoy life. Are willing to put in the living room for a dozen sandbox meerkat? Yes? Then this is your beast.
What if ... what if ... and if the skunk !!!
Well, why not? No worse than the others. Even better, if you remove the odorous glands in early childhood. Charming little animals. Unruly as the raccoons. Capricious as lemurs. Like to sleep in a little bed with the owner, as minipigi. Practically omnivorous as axolotl. We understand that chopped worms you do not scare sleepless nights not confuse scattered around the house with sand not dissuade ... factory skunk! Approve!
Then penguin! They are so funny - just like people, only better. In fact, penguins at home do not live! Unless you have money for a huge swimming pool with sea water, and there are opportunities to nourish nourishing your penguin anchovies, sardines and shrimp. Alas, the dreams that Penguin will have pilchards and swim in the bathtub - a utopia. We sincerely regret sincerely.
Source: www.pics.ru
What could be bad lemurchik? Glazastenky, Pushistenkaya, plyushevenky such ... Straight take it in the morning on the handle and squeeze! But nothing of the sort. Firstly, lemur - Night beast: it all day snoozing, and after sunset wakes up and demands food. If you want your animal to be healthy and well-fed in moderation, you will need to feed him heroically at night. Second lemur - wildly capricious and horrible not eat. So I have to cook for him milk porridge, as well as attend for nutritional giant crickets and delicious meal worms, without which lemurchik zahireet and order-to. And not even the fact that he agreed to the proposal diet. In such cases, the experts at sprinkle recommend "tasteless" for lemurchika food pollen. Are you ready to sprinkle meal worms pollen? Yes? Then go for it.

According to the level mimimishnosti owls are comparable only to that of seals (and with them almost no comparable). Such ruffled such touching, such with wings ... All right! But first have to learn feeding your pet bigeye integral (in the skins and feathers) myshatkami or chickens, learn to dig into that wonderful sovushka burps (there is a wonderful word - regurgitates), and along with that falls from her a wonderful tail. Regurgitates healthy - a healthy pet.

Oh, how cute, how ridiculous and funny as minipig! Zavedёm as soon minipiga! Have nothing against. Do we want to warn - not all that small, that in infancy small. You may not get lucky and instead shestikilogrammovogo pet you get the fatted pig the size of a shepherd.

Home fox
Purchased a minute we lisonku home, especially because there is a special "not wild" species. This breed does have, it is true. But the fox is still not a dog. They can not be tamed, they do not understand the orders and do not forgive the one who has ever punished them - turn in on themselves, and cease to make contact. So, with a fox only "you" and no familiarity. And foxes shed. Therefore, they need to comb out every day, otherwise your house will turn into a fox hole. Speaking of the order in the house lisonek also have some idea. How do they represent it? Leave a fox one hour, and you will realize how.

Raccoon. So cool, especially when "erases". Even some cool! You will understand it almost immediately when he learned how to open doors, cabinets, refrigerator and a private enclosure. And do not try to remove valuables "higher." For raccoon there is no "higher". As, however, does not exist and valuables, except the bin.

What if get axolotl? Silent, pleasing in appearance, small size and clean, because it lives in water. Compared with raccoon - an angel and not a beast. But sometimes this angel is hot. And then you have to put in the ice tank and make sure that the crumb-axolotl has overheated. And that's nothing, but eats axolotl chopped earthworms. It can, of course, and caruncle bite, but worms for him delicacy. But both want to be pampered pet tasty!

Let's look at zublefarov or geckos. Pretty lizards, such unpretentious. They do not have anyone to finely chop for dinner? Exactly! Completely unpretentious. Ingest large cockroaches whole, without wincing. Only first need to sprinkle with powdered chalk cockroaches, and they could zublefarchiki themselves realized what to do. This is most useful for them food. So what? You still want to have zublefara?

Want meerkat! Because meerkats - funny, and able to stand on their hind legs across his close-knit family. Unfortunately, at the expense of the family noticed an incredibly accurate. Meerkats live in colonies, so I count on a couple or even a dozen. And no enclosures. Meerkat - beast free! For a complete happiness necessary to him sandpit to dig and enjoy life. Are willing to put in the living room for a dozen sandbox meerkat? Yes? Then this is your beast.

What if ... what if ... and if the skunk !!!
Well, why not? No worse than the others. Even better, if you remove the odorous glands in early childhood. Charming little animals. Unruly as the raccoons. Capricious as lemurs. Like to sleep in a little bed with the owner, as minipigi. Practically omnivorous as axolotl. We understand that chopped worms you do not scare sleepless nights not confuse scattered around the house with sand not dissuade ... factory skunk! Approve!

Then penguin! They are so funny - just like people, only better. In fact, penguins at home do not live! Unless you have money for a huge swimming pool with sea water, and there are opportunities to nourish nourishing your penguin anchovies, sardines and shrimp. Alas, the dreams that Penguin will have pilchards and swim in the bathtub - a utopia. We sincerely regret sincerely.

Source: www.pics.ru
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