The charm of old age
"Old age - no joy ..." - so it seems we talk about old age? But think, because we are not eternal, and in old age has its own invisible charm that we sometimes do not notice and understand it too late - only after the death of a loved one. Once upon a time I was in this situation, so I know whereof I speak. With old age people become children again - defenseless and require maximum attention with the only difference being that in old age to care for people who want a little, but with a newborn literally blow away dust particles. Wrinkles, health problems and sadness in the eyes - it's all there in the elderly, but they do not lose optimism and try as long as possible to remain cheerful, fresh and unfading (in at least most of them). Photographers, seeing this, could not pass by the old men and their charm to capture on film.
Each of these people has a story that is difficult to read in his eyes, but it can be felt. All of them are over 50, they are so different, but one thing unites them - old age. Photographers were able to create good shots, where everything is as it should be ...
Photographers, of course, use Photoshop to create a more colorful atmosphere, but the faces of these people are the greatest ornament. Someone these pictures may seem terrible, but I think it's really, from which many of us do not run. It is better to grow old with dignity than to die "artificial" person.

Each of these people has a story that is difficult to read in his eyes, but it can be felt. All of them are over 50, they are so different, but one thing unites them - old age. Photographers were able to create good shots, where everything is as it should be ...

Photographers, of course, use Photoshop to create a more colorful atmosphere, but the faces of these people are the greatest ornament. Someone these pictures may seem terrible, but I think it's really, from which many of us do not run. It is better to grow old with dignity than to die "artificial" person.