Hack in kindergarten
Like all gardens, in the midst of the fall we held a contest: Crafts from vegetables, we come kreativnenko daughters (we think).
The fortress is made of potatoes and matches, painted in watercolor)
Hryuhi: clay and green tomatoes
Birds: black-potatoes with watercolors and clay,
white - egg and plasticine
yellow - lemon and clay
Red Tomato and clay.
On the other fantasy is not enough, but I think, and so enjoy it. All I graduated)
Well, she's assistant)

The fortress is made of potatoes and matches, painted in watercolor)

Hryuhi: clay and green tomatoes

Birds: black-potatoes with watercolors and clay,
white - egg and plasticine
yellow - lemon and clay
Red Tomato and clay.
On the other fantasy is not enough, but I think, and so enjoy it. All I graduated)

Well, she's assistant)