Charming Mylene Farmer 53 today!

She was born back in 1961 in a small Canadian town in a poor family, where she was the third child. Her family moved from Canada to France. It is very difficult to Mylene was given.
She was never able to finish high school. Milen flies to Paris, where he decided to try on the role of the actress.

1979 was marked by the acquaintance with the future prodyuserom.V 1986 they released their first disc.
His nickname, she took the favorite actress, but the name has left now.

1988 she released her first album, due to which she received the first call and the award as the best actress of the year. She starred in many videos that are put to it by its composer.
In 1991, she was seen in the film "George».

In 2005, she released shocking video and album.

Interesting facts from the life and work of

Before becoming a singer Mylene went to school at the theater. From the studio produced such famous people like Christopher Lambert and Isabelle Adjani.
2001, the month of December has pleased us with information about what the real name of the singer Mylene really, not Marie and Helen how to write one of the famous magazines.
Mylene Farmer - very impressionable woman, she always permeated his music and songs can cry on stage. One day, even so absorbed that fell off the stage.

The singer not only sings beautifully and makes beautiful music to songs, but always happy with magnificent show. Her concerts are always filled with light effects, extraordinary staging rooms and luxurious decorations.

As a child, Milen loved visiting disabled children in Garches hospital and horseback riding, dreaming of becoming a horse trainer and devote their entire lives to horses.
In 1991, the career Mylene Farmer accident happened. Distraught fan broke into the office and shot Polydor secretary because she refused to give him the address of Mylene Farmer ... It shocked to the core, but she declined the offer her protection.

The question about favorite foods Mylene says he does not like to eat. This does not mean that she is not starving himself - just do not understand what people find pleasure in food. In her opinion, the food is needed only to live. And because Mylene tries to come to power wisely and use only those products that need its body. Of all the healthy dishes she prefers sushi. She does not eat meat on the principle that feast on "our smaller brethren," it does not allow a love for animals. It is not surprising that such an approach to nutrition Milen weighs 45 kg with height 169 cm. The only thing the singer does not deny - it sweet. She loves candy, especially colorful candies and pancakes. And although their usefulness can not be called, Farmer does not stop. There must a person be a weakness!
Milen Single lives with two monkeys and assures his fans that appreciate solitude. In many ways, loneliness Milen is because it is - a perfectionist, and even for love and relationships are always looking for the perfect man, who was simply not found in nature.

Favorite actors, singers - Mickey Rourke and Greta Garbo.
This hair color Milen - Dark Brown.
Mylene does not like the sun and heat. It is much more comfortable in the cold, loves snow.

Mylene does not like to look at myself on TV and never looks at his video clips, because currently absolutely do not like.