Festival Spasskaya Tower 2014

The festival opened with the honor guard of the Presidential Regiment. The main tasks of the unit, formed in 1976, is to ensure that activities at the highest political level and serve in the honor guard at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Then the Irish bagpipes and drums band "mix of music" played Kalinka Malinka.

Armenia has "Yerevan drums" and dance ensemble "Armelad».

The Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defence.

Next - Kazakhstan. Honor Guard and the orchestra of the Presidential Regiment "Aybyn". Kazakhs performed «I like to moved moved», frustrated than applause.

Appears on the horizon Turkish Orchestra "Mehter" city of Iznik

The first orchestra "Mehter" was established in the XIII century, to raise the spirit of the Ottoman soldiers and strikes fear in enemies. It is believed that he was the first military band in the world.

Italy. Overall group flagonostsev.

The art of war flagonostsev appeared in Italy around the end of the XIV century. During combat, they "conducted" flags. The right moment to attack, the situation on the battlefield - all you can "say" flags. Flagonostsy considered military elite and had to defend their flags until recently.
The group consists of a herald, trumpeters, drummers and flagonostsev. Their colorful costumes, music, flags flying in front of the audience to recreate the atmosphere of bygone days.

Mexican band "Banda Monumental" and ensemble "Tenochtitlan" was first performed at the festival.

Without modern choreography not done.
Central Navy Band named. NA Rimsky-Korsakov.

Orchestra of the Black Sea Fleet.

China. Taoist monks from Wudang.

A regular participant of the festival - Orchestra of the Moscow Suvorov Military Music College.

A five-minute fireworks ended all.

St. Basil's Cathedral on the last 10 minutes was mapping - very nice.
Source: loveopium.ru