13 most interesting towers falling world
In the world there are a lot of falling towers - buildings with towering form, which are entirely different reasons deviate from the vertical state and threatening the bank. Usually the slope of the towers is due to changes in soil properties or because of errors builders during the laying of foundations. Ironically, such towers are often the places that beckon crowds. Some of the sloping towers due to its high historical and artistic value are included in the List of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and the Guinness book.
Capital Gate - modern skyscraper in Abu Dhabi, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tower with the largest slope in the world. The inclination angle is 18 degrees structures. Unlike other buildings in this article, the skyscraper has been specifically designed and constructed with a slope.
Church in Zuurhuzene, located in East Friesland in the north-west of Germany. Before the construction of the 2010 Capital Gate Tower in Abu Dhabi dannym rekordov Guinness Book was the most tilted tower in the world. Spire Zuurhuzene deviated from the vertical axis 5, 19 degrees at the height of the tower is only 24, 7 m.
Belfry sobora Santa Maria Assunta or the Leaning Tower, undoubtedly the most famous "falling" tower in the world. The first stone of its foundation was laid on August 9, 1173. The angle of the tower is 4 grams.
In the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev, too, have a falling attraction - the Great Lavra Belltower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It was built in 1731-1745 years and today has deviated from the vertical by 62 cm. In the north-east direction.
Big Ben, London, Velikobritaniya. Chasovaya tower of the British parliament bowed to the northwest at 0, 26 degrees or 43, 5 cm. It seems to be a little bit, but for the British it is an event.
The two towers of the Asinelli (Asinelli) and Garisenda (Garisenda) in Bologna, Italy, fall Despite all the efforts of the city authorities. A large tower called Asinelli, and the smaller but more off axis - Garisenda. Her deviation more than 3, 22 meters.
The tower on the hillside church Frankenhausen (Germany) on the outskirts of goroda, postoyanno exposed vozdeystviyu strong vetrov.
Bashnya Nevyansk, Russia. Bashnya Nevyansk tozhe padaet. Bashnya raspolozhena in tsentre Nevyanska and yavlyaetsya Odno of the izvestnyh on Srednem Urale. Stroitelstvo finansirovalos Petrom was first in the first postroena polovine known in the 18th century Rossii stroitelem Akinfiy Demidov. Vysota tower sostavlyaet 57, 5 m. According to the Po poslednih izmereny, otklonenie verhney of the tower to the vertical is now 2, 20 m.
Tiger Hill Pagoda or Huqiu Tower More is located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The tower was built in the late period of the Fifth Dynasty (907-960 AD), its height is 47 m. For over a thousand years old pagoda Tiger Hill steadily rolls due to adverse weather conditions. Tilt tower today is 2, 32 m.
Burana Tower, or the Church of St. Martin in one of the Venetian Islands - Burano, Italy. The tower was built in the 15th century and because of the unstable soil of the island began to list. It does not fall only because it relies on a number of standing construction.
Oude Kerk Church (Oude Kerk) is located in a historic center of the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Its bell tower, built in 1350 has a height of 75 meters and now has a slope of about 1, 98 m.
The Tower of Bedum (Bedum), the Netherlands, located in the northern Dutch town of Bedum, and also every year leans more and more. At its height in the 35 meter tower 7 deviated from the vertical at 2, 61 m.
Bell tower of Tikhvin Church in Kungur little known. However built in the 1880s, the height of 70 meters, she bent immediately after construction, and has a slope of 3, 5 degrees. Tikhvin Church is an architectural monument of federal significance.

Capital Gate - modern skyscraper in Abu Dhabi, which is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tower with the largest slope in the world. The inclination angle is 18 degrees structures. Unlike other buildings in this article, the skyscraper has been specifically designed and constructed with a slope.

Church in Zuurhuzene, located in East Friesland in the north-west of Germany. Before the construction of the 2010 Capital Gate Tower in Abu Dhabi dannym rekordov Guinness Book was the most tilted tower in the world. Spire Zuurhuzene deviated from the vertical axis 5, 19 degrees at the height of the tower is only 24, 7 m.

Belfry sobora Santa Maria Assunta or the Leaning Tower, undoubtedly the most famous "falling" tower in the world. The first stone of its foundation was laid on August 9, 1173. The angle of the tower is 4 grams.

In the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev, too, have a falling attraction - the Great Lavra Belltower of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It was built in 1731-1745 years and today has deviated from the vertical by 62 cm. In the north-east direction.

Big Ben, London, Velikobritaniya. Chasovaya tower of the British parliament bowed to the northwest at 0, 26 degrees or 43, 5 cm. It seems to be a little bit, but for the British it is an event.

The two towers of the Asinelli (Asinelli) and Garisenda (Garisenda) in Bologna, Italy, fall Despite all the efforts of the city authorities. A large tower called Asinelli, and the smaller but more off axis - Garisenda. Her deviation more than 3, 22 meters.

The tower on the hillside church Frankenhausen (Germany) on the outskirts of goroda, postoyanno exposed vozdeystviyu strong vetrov.

Bashnya Nevyansk, Russia. Bashnya Nevyansk tozhe padaet. Bashnya raspolozhena in tsentre Nevyanska and yavlyaetsya Odno of the izvestnyh on Srednem Urale. Stroitelstvo finansirovalos Petrom was first in the first postroena polovine known in the 18th century Rossii stroitelem Akinfiy Demidov. Vysota tower sostavlyaet 57, 5 m. According to the Po poslednih izmereny, otklonenie verhney of the tower to the vertical is now 2, 20 m.

Tiger Hill Pagoda or Huqiu Tower More is located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The tower was built in the late period of the Fifth Dynasty (907-960 AD), its height is 47 m. For over a thousand years old pagoda Tiger Hill steadily rolls due to adverse weather conditions. Tilt tower today is 2, 32 m.

Burana Tower, or the Church of St. Martin in one of the Venetian Islands - Burano, Italy. The tower was built in the 15th century and because of the unstable soil of the island began to list. It does not fall only because it relies on a number of standing construction.

Oude Kerk Church (Oude Kerk) is located in a historic center of the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Its bell tower, built in 1350 has a height of 75 meters and now has a slope of about 1, 98 m.

The Tower of Bedum (Bedum), the Netherlands, located in the northern Dutch town of Bedum, and also every year leans more and more. At its height in the 35 meter tower 7 deviated from the vertical at 2, 61 m.

Bell tower of Tikhvin Church in Kungur little known. However built in the 1880s, the height of 70 meters, she bent immediately after construction, and has a slope of 3, 5 degrees. Tikhvin Church is an architectural monument of federal significance.