Street art with humor and irony

Most of the works of the author can be seen in the city of Saint-Etienne, where the boy was born and raised. With his work the artist seeks to embellish the city streets, turning disadvantages into advantages. And where associates notice a gray ragged walls, OakOak finds field for creativity.

Living in Saint-Etienne OakOak artist loves his town and is doing everything in his power to even the shortcomings of their city to turn in his dignity. In particular, and for this he started street painting. The artist finds all sorts of unusual and outstanding items on the streets and transforms them into works of art.

Who not only portrayed him in the street and the houses of old! And heroes of the beloved cartoon series "The Simpsons"; and prison escapee; and large tabby, collapsed right on the carriageway. But the biggest furor among citizens and Internet users has caused a broken heart that the artist put into the trash. Everyone saw this as a symbol of his lost love, remembered the feelings experienced and again plunged into the abyss of experiences, delivered once a favorite person.

"I love my city, its atmosphere, and therefore I would like to make it look better. Previously, it was an industrial town with a lot of coal mines, but now he is in the process of renovation, changing its essence. And even if we are still not rich, but we still deserve to live in a beautiful environment. Here is his creation, and I do "- that explains the reasons which led him to this type of creative artist OakOak.

This feeling that this guy just goes around the city and draws on all that meets along the way - and on the pillars, and on the signs and throw on the fridge, and garbage cans! OaKoAk will do anything to turn a gray city into a hotbed of pleasure and razdolbaystva - things that in one way or another is necessary for everyone. Maybe not too big portions, but necessary.