Siberian mystery
The ruins of the clay fortress on the island of Port-Bazhyn over here for hundreds of years are of interest of scientists. Citadel is a regular rectangle with a confusing maze of buildings that resemble Buddhist mandala (sacred schematic representation, or design, used in the Buddhist and Hindu religious practices).
Studies historians and archaeologists have shown that the fortress was built in the VIII century Uighurs, joined while your Kaganate south of Tuva and the Sayano-Altai. However, later this conclusion is not moved. The subject of the dispute is still the destination of architectural buildings, remnants of which are preserved on the island. These buildings can be attributed to the palace complex, and to the temple.
In the 50-ies of XX century archeological expedition participants found on the island of fragments of the aqueduct - perhaps one of the oldest on the planet. The walls of the complex of fortifications were covered with intricate characters that are installed later had an important esoteric sense and in many ways resembled the characters found in the ancient cities of the Maya civilization .... At the beginning of this millennium of Irkutsk researcher Igor Vladislavovich Berdnikov speculated that the construction of the temple complex of Port-Bazhyn reproduced map of the sky, as if mimicking the contours of the zodiacal constellations. This led scientists to believe that the island was once an ancient observatory.
It is the fortress Por-Bazhyn the local population due to the tradition of underground tunnels, which can be circumvented the whole earth, and in which, supposedly, a huge treasure hidden rulers - the founders of the once mighty Uyghur Khaganate. Indeed, in the last century in the study of the mysterious island, archaeologists have repeatedly encountered the littered and dilapidated entrance to the cave, get in that have not yet managed to anyone. According to scientists, the fortress was killed in a raid by the enemy in the middle of the XVIII century, and its inhabitants, shortly before his death had hidden wealth in underground hiding places.
For centuries, tribal elders, who lived on the shores of Lake Tere-Khol, claimed that the island is situated north of the famous gates of Shambhala. Local legends abound with reports of mysterious stranger "in a beautiful sparkling clothes," coming from the island and predict the fate of their people, and also warns against hasty and risky behavior. Legend has it that until the middle of the X century shamans who felt the approach of imminent death, there was a ceremony when they got into the canoe and swam to the island forever.
In 1970-1980-ies on the lake there was a fishing co-operative, whose workers have been the witnesses of unexplained phenomena.
In particular, the summer of 1981 the boat, in which sat a fisherman Donzum Mongush-ool, on a clear windless weather was picked up suddenly arisen whirlpool. Within minutes, the fisherman brought to the island and with the wooden ship was cast into a dark cave, go deep into the Tere-Khol and half filled with water. Suddenly, somewhere far away inside the grotto dawned milky white light increases with each passing second. Against the background of its radiance began to appear silhouettes that seemed to hover in the air. At the same time some unknown force start to pull the fisherman into the grotto.
Recovering himself, Donzum began feverishly working the oars, and soon emerged on the mirror-smooth surface of the lake.
Studies historians and archaeologists have shown that the fortress was built in the VIII century Uighurs, joined while your Kaganate south of Tuva and the Sayano-Altai. However, later this conclusion is not moved. The subject of the dispute is still the destination of architectural buildings, remnants of which are preserved on the island. These buildings can be attributed to the palace complex, and to the temple.
In the 50-ies of XX century archeological expedition participants found on the island of fragments of the aqueduct - perhaps one of the oldest on the planet. The walls of the complex of fortifications were covered with intricate characters that are installed later had an important esoteric sense and in many ways resembled the characters found in the ancient cities of the Maya civilization .... At the beginning of this millennium of Irkutsk researcher Igor Vladislavovich Berdnikov speculated that the construction of the temple complex of Port-Bazhyn reproduced map of the sky, as if mimicking the contours of the zodiacal constellations. This led scientists to believe that the island was once an ancient observatory.
It is the fortress Por-Bazhyn the local population due to the tradition of underground tunnels, which can be circumvented the whole earth, and in which, supposedly, a huge treasure hidden rulers - the founders of the once mighty Uyghur Khaganate. Indeed, in the last century in the study of the mysterious island, archaeologists have repeatedly encountered the littered and dilapidated entrance to the cave, get in that have not yet managed to anyone. According to scientists, the fortress was killed in a raid by the enemy in the middle of the XVIII century, and its inhabitants, shortly before his death had hidden wealth in underground hiding places.
For centuries, tribal elders, who lived on the shores of Lake Tere-Khol, claimed that the island is situated north of the famous gates of Shambhala. Local legends abound with reports of mysterious stranger "in a beautiful sparkling clothes," coming from the island and predict the fate of their people, and also warns against hasty and risky behavior. Legend has it that until the middle of the X century shamans who felt the approach of imminent death, there was a ceremony when they got into the canoe and swam to the island forever.
In 1970-1980-ies on the lake there was a fishing co-operative, whose workers have been the witnesses of unexplained phenomena.
In particular, the summer of 1981 the boat, in which sat a fisherman Donzum Mongush-ool, on a clear windless weather was picked up suddenly arisen whirlpool. Within minutes, the fisherman brought to the island and with the wooden ship was cast into a dark cave, go deep into the Tere-Khol and half filled with water. Suddenly, somewhere far away inside the grotto dawned milky white light increases with each passing second. Against the background of its radiance began to appear silhouettes that seemed to hover in the air. At the same time some unknown force start to pull the fisherman into the grotto.
Recovering himself, Donzum began feverishly working the oars, and soon emerged on the mirror-smooth surface of the lake.