5 facts about the vast Siberia
The vast, virgin forests, steppes, Alpine meadows, mountain ranges and permafrost. All combined in one word — Siberia. Its expanse is located behind the great stone belt of the Urals. Inexhaustible natural resources are kept for 12 million square kilometers. Enough of them for a prosperous life for many generations.
Her discovery began in 1582, when it was announced legendary journey beyond the Urals. 750 Cossacks led by ataman Yermak (Vasily Timofeyevich Alenin) went to collect tribute from Tatar tribes. After the Cossack army in Siberia went farmers, hunters, clergy with their flocks.
The majestic and harsh land of Siberia, people became free. Not here acting Russian laws: landlordism, serfdom. Siberians only pay state tax.
Generous closets, full fur, meat, timber, medicinal herbs, pure water and other natural resources attracted the common people. Therefore, despite the harsh climate, difficult conditions of life, people sought to conquer these lands. Here they gained freedom from Royal decrees and serfdom yoke. Within 70 years the Russians colonized the Pacific ocean and saw the Sakhalin and the Kuriles.
As developed in major industries?
The main direction of the industry – gold mining. By the mid-17th century it represented a greater part of the total volume of extracted precious metal. Treasury was replenished by the revenues coming from mining. A powerful impetus to the development of the enterprise received after the construction of the TRANS-Siberian railway.
During world war II most of the military and industrial enterprises evacuated to Siberia. Together with the development of industry increases the population in major cities. The symbols of this era became such important titles as the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, Baikal-Amur Magistral, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.
What is remarkable about Western Siberia?
The territory of Western Siberia is located in the heart of the homonymous valley, which on the one hand surrounded by the waters of the Yenisei, and on the other, the ridges of the Urals. Powerful, majestic plains of the region the city is the Russian plain and the Amazon lowlands. Diverse flora and fauna thrive due to the large amount of fresh water in the rivers. Their total length is more than 251 000 km more than 2,000 rivers, the largest of which are the Yenisei, the Irtysh and the Ob.
What else well-known Western Siberia? Inexhaustible storehouses of natural energy resources located in the Tyumen region. Numerous cultural monuments, nature reserves and national parks attract tourists from all over the world. You know that Tyumen is the first city that was built by the Russians in 1586?
In Omsk region there are parks, natural customers. Try mineral water and see the harsh beauty of nature thousands of fans. Here is one of the most mysterious places, which is famous for the power of healing – an area of "Five lakes".
From all over the world people come here for recovery. Popular resorts are located in the Kurgan region. Attracted big bear lake, which is its medicinal properties comparable to the Dead sea. Therapeutic mud and salt water cure gynecological diseases, treat muscle and nervous system. The mud used for skin rejuvenation.
The unique natural beauty has Altai Krai. It is rich in attractions: Kulundinskoe lake, located in Tigercom reserve, river Anuy with numerous waterfalls, Denisova cave archaeological site of Karama. Siberian forests, thermal waters and climate famous leader among the resorts of Altay region – Belokurikha. Due to the natural healing power it is called a Siberian Davos.
What is the healing power of Eastern Siberia?
One of the main places of this region – the lake Baikal. Its waters attract tourists from around the world. Here the natural beauty remains intact as millions of years ago. The healing properties of this place are so powerful that even the air itself returns the health of the human body.
Over the waters of the lake stands the island of Olkhon. This is the heart of lake Baikal, which is associated with many legends. By visiting it you can feel the unity with nature, to feel an integral part of the universe. Away from the hustle and bustle of understand how strong the power of wild nature.
A large variety of medicinal herbs is located in Yakutia. Despite the severity of the climate of this region, the identity of local peoples, any traveler will surprise the local flora. Summer Alpine grass delight with its variety and color palette.
Southern Siberia – a godsend for cavers
For those who like to explore the underground, is worth a visit Khakassia. There are more than 60 caves, which differ in the landscape. To see the pristine nature to explore ethnic traditions tourists in Tuva. This is a large hunting grounds, lake Chagytay, where tourists gather to catch fish.
The healing power of Siberia
Flora of Siberia is divided into three areas:
Forest area represented by the vegetation of tree species. The most common are spruce and pine, birch and aspen. Forests of West Siberia presented by a mighty cedars, fir, larch and pine trees. The oil from these trees are valued as a natural antibiotic. Essential little fir tree allows us to treat cardiovascular diseases, boosts immunity, stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Siberian cedar forests fill the atmosphere with phytoncides, which heals the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system. Stay a few minutes in a cedar forest, and you will feel how much you vital energy. All parts of this tree can be used for the preparation of medicinal decoctions, tinctures.
In the steppes grows a large number of herbs that the locals harvested for the preparation of medicinal decoctions, teas, juice, ointments.
17 ideas on how and where to celebrate New year 2017
A journey to lake Baikal. Part 12
Popularity of the Fireweed or willow herb. In the plant reaches a height of 1.5 m. the Leaves and the tops of the plants used for the preparation of drugs for the integrated treatment of cancer. Fireweed growing in the Northern regions, has a strong soporific effect.
For treatment of joints, gout, neuroses use of medicinal Peony. This is a great plant that is embellished with large flowers.
In the treatment of bleeding, colitis, enteritis, use infusions of Burnet. This amazing plant is maroon or dark cherry color. Its stems are many small flowers, gathered in Metalock. published
Source: ru.siberianhealth.com/ru/
Her discovery began in 1582, when it was announced legendary journey beyond the Urals. 750 Cossacks led by ataman Yermak (Vasily Timofeyevich Alenin) went to collect tribute from Tatar tribes. After the Cossack army in Siberia went farmers, hunters, clergy with their flocks.

The majestic and harsh land of Siberia, people became free. Not here acting Russian laws: landlordism, serfdom. Siberians only pay state tax.
Generous closets, full fur, meat, timber, medicinal herbs, pure water and other natural resources attracted the common people. Therefore, despite the harsh climate, difficult conditions of life, people sought to conquer these lands. Here they gained freedom from Royal decrees and serfdom yoke. Within 70 years the Russians colonized the Pacific ocean and saw the Sakhalin and the Kuriles.
As developed in major industries?
The main direction of the industry – gold mining. By the mid-17th century it represented a greater part of the total volume of extracted precious metal. Treasury was replenished by the revenues coming from mining. A powerful impetus to the development of the enterprise received after the construction of the TRANS-Siberian railway.
During world war II most of the military and industrial enterprises evacuated to Siberia. Together with the development of industry increases the population in major cities. The symbols of this era became such important titles as the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, Baikal-Amur Magistral, Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

What is remarkable about Western Siberia?
The territory of Western Siberia is located in the heart of the homonymous valley, which on the one hand surrounded by the waters of the Yenisei, and on the other, the ridges of the Urals. Powerful, majestic plains of the region the city is the Russian plain and the Amazon lowlands. Diverse flora and fauna thrive due to the large amount of fresh water in the rivers. Their total length is more than 251 000 km more than 2,000 rivers, the largest of which are the Yenisei, the Irtysh and the Ob.
What else well-known Western Siberia? Inexhaustible storehouses of natural energy resources located in the Tyumen region. Numerous cultural monuments, nature reserves and national parks attract tourists from all over the world. You know that Tyumen is the first city that was built by the Russians in 1586?
In Omsk region there are parks, natural customers. Try mineral water and see the harsh beauty of nature thousands of fans. Here is one of the most mysterious places, which is famous for the power of healing – an area of "Five lakes".
From all over the world people come here for recovery. Popular resorts are located in the Kurgan region. Attracted big bear lake, which is its medicinal properties comparable to the Dead sea. Therapeutic mud and salt water cure gynecological diseases, treat muscle and nervous system. The mud used for skin rejuvenation.
The unique natural beauty has Altai Krai. It is rich in attractions: Kulundinskoe lake, located in Tigercom reserve, river Anuy with numerous waterfalls, Denisova cave archaeological site of Karama. Siberian forests, thermal waters and climate famous leader among the resorts of Altay region – Belokurikha. Due to the natural healing power it is called a Siberian Davos.

What is the healing power of Eastern Siberia?
One of the main places of this region – the lake Baikal. Its waters attract tourists from around the world. Here the natural beauty remains intact as millions of years ago. The healing properties of this place are so powerful that even the air itself returns the health of the human body.
Over the waters of the lake stands the island of Olkhon. This is the heart of lake Baikal, which is associated with many legends. By visiting it you can feel the unity with nature, to feel an integral part of the universe. Away from the hustle and bustle of understand how strong the power of wild nature.
A large variety of medicinal herbs is located in Yakutia. Despite the severity of the climate of this region, the identity of local peoples, any traveler will surprise the local flora. Summer Alpine grass delight with its variety and color palette.

Southern Siberia – a godsend for cavers
For those who like to explore the underground, is worth a visit Khakassia. There are more than 60 caves, which differ in the landscape. To see the pristine nature to explore ethnic traditions tourists in Tuva. This is a large hunting grounds, lake Chagytay, where tourists gather to catch fish.
The healing power of Siberia
Flora of Siberia is divided into three areas:
- Arctic-Alpine;
- The Northern forests;
- Steppe.
Forest area represented by the vegetation of tree species. The most common are spruce and pine, birch and aspen. Forests of West Siberia presented by a mighty cedars, fir, larch and pine trees. The oil from these trees are valued as a natural antibiotic. Essential little fir tree allows us to treat cardiovascular diseases, boosts immunity, stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Siberian cedar forests fill the atmosphere with phytoncides, which heals the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system. Stay a few minutes in a cedar forest, and you will feel how much you vital energy. All parts of this tree can be used for the preparation of medicinal decoctions, tinctures.
In the steppes grows a large number of herbs that the locals harvested for the preparation of medicinal decoctions, teas, juice, ointments.
17 ideas on how and where to celebrate New year 2017
A journey to lake Baikal. Part 12
Popularity of the Fireweed or willow herb. In the plant reaches a height of 1.5 m. the Leaves and the tops of the plants used for the preparation of drugs for the integrated treatment of cancer. Fireweed growing in the Northern regions, has a strong soporific effect.
For treatment of joints, gout, neuroses use of medicinal Peony. This is a great plant that is embellished with large flowers.
In the treatment of bleeding, colitis, enteritis, use infusions of Burnet. This amazing plant is maroon or dark cherry color. Its stems are many small flowers, gathered in Metalock. published
Source: ru.siberianhealth.com/ru/