Elegant theft of $ 4 billion
Starter - Bulk
But before you begin to read - look in your wallet. Maybe you did not notice, but he lost about 1 100 rubles.
Not so much for each of us, but this sum was stolen from every adult citizen of Russia. In total, we estimate that in the course of this history has been stolen at least $ 4 billion.
So. ESPO. Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean. Length - 4188 km.
He will be pumping oil in Eastern Siberia to the Far East.
The huge building. One of the biggest since Soviet times.
The real national project.
Most recently officially launched the first phase of the project (Taishet-Skorovodino) 2694 km long.
I build all this beauty of OJSC "AK" Transneft ".
The actual monopoly in oil transportation.
100% of the ordinary shares owned by the state. The private property may only be the preferred shares.
At what cost construction really nobody knows. Estimates vary even officials. Here Sechin said about 420 billion rubles. Then recount and talk about 491 billion rubles. Then they say ESPO must be expanded and it will cost more 170 billion rubles.
Clearly, such vague but vast numbers attract and excite the imagination.
All those who are close to this sector of the economy know - on building something unimaginable happened.
You can do an experiment and ask anyone associated with the oil and pipeline businesses: Tell me uncle, but as ESPO built?
I've done it many times and every time the effect was the same: the face of the subject acquired a dreamy expression, eye twitching haze:
- You know, Alex, there have cut so much that the calculator is not enough zeros to count. I would go there, at least for a day, at least for an hour - and even my great-nephew would become rich people.
Naturally, such a united reaction to the professional community spodvigla me in search of something interesting. After all, as a shareholder of Transneft I am very distressed by the size of the dividend and has investigated the story of my billions to charity, says that if these transneftyanniki are sending billions in bribes disguised as security forces, then have something.
I will not bore you with the details, briefly describe the general logic of our study:
The head of Transneft in the golden period of construction was the legendary little man named Simeon Weinstock. One of the most effective managers of the country.
He was sitting in the company from 1999 to 2007. Salvage ships KAMAZ therefore became so legendary.
Then the Kremlin decided that the share of the loot KAMAZ-directed in their direction, and therefore the need to increase Weinstock began to demolish.
And in its place establish another little man by the name of Nikolai Tokarev.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1289911041 [/ mergetime]
A former colleague and pal Vladimir Putin (photo muzhchinki this will not spread, you know it).
Since Weinstock paid all around - it was not easy to carry. And within a few months after his retirement, he continued to control the company. Therefore stripper Transneft from hostile elements, unwilling to send the loot-KAMAZ in the right direction, was given top political team: to conduct a detailed inspection honest holy of holies - the construction of the ESPO.
What was discharged and the Russian Audit Chamber, including.
Check conducted. But there was something in it is, from which it results immediately classified. The Accounts Chamber also hid his report, confining vague statement saying that "a lot of violations, but that's okay."
Our main counting palatchik, "a real officer," Sergei Stepashin mysteriously glittered ochochkah, but remained silent.
No need to be a rocket scientist to realize that the task - to find materials testing.
Well, we were looking for them. Long. It was not easy. It seems everyone knows what they are, but nobody saw.
Periodically on all sites passed the information with reference to the material, but how to check the truth or bullshit?
Soon the fairy tale, but than done. We found paper.
Not all, but an important part of them. Until a few months it has taken to confirm that the original paper and it is not a setup, and not "drain".
Where have - I will not say, but I note that in the Chamber of Accounts and Transneft operates in many people, and not all of them are crooks.
Today I present to your attention these documents.
They exceeded all our expectations.
It is called: "The materials prepared by OJSC" AK "Transneft" at the request of the Chamber of Accounts number GI-11-03-69 / 11-03 ».
This volume Daddy, in which the signatures of senior real Transneft included in the inspection committee, describes the dry language: STOLE EVERYTHING.
Steal. Overprice. They cheat with contractors. Then he destroyed the documents. Etc. etc.
All the facts and figures. Each section is signed by several experts. The entire report was adopted by the first vice-president of Transneft.
When I read it, the report several times fell from my hands. Only in the design and survey works stole 10 billion. Rubles.
In fact, all contractors were on superstroyke intermediary layers through which the money was taken out.
- That's the bomb, I thought then, and Weinstock and half of Transneft's management had to take so long and so firmly that the term of Khodorkovsky seem easy stints.
However, memory is a stubborn thing. And she always reminded me that after this remarkable test Semyon Weinstock came to the famous fighter against corruption Vladimir Putin, who sent him to the side, directly opposite the Republic of Mordovia, which made sending crooks and thieves.
Semyon Weinstock was appointed the first head of the newly established Olympic Corporation, responsible for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Many laughed a lot that day.
But he led long. Sochi - it's not East Siberia, fraud is easier to find, so Weinstock and left this post and now lives in London, where he bought a hefty piece of real estate, and Israel, which is engaged in business.
Again, take note: this is not my report, it is not the view of analysts and experts. This official materials Transneft prepared and signed by dozens of its employees.
Fragments of the materials provided by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2008:
Overestimation of the value of design and survey work conducted JSC "VNIIST" project "pipeline system" Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean ".
Inconsistency estimates for the construction of the "pipeline system" Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean "(hereinafter - TS ESPO) the requirements of the job
Oversize estimated cost of construction objects as a result of design errors and deficiencies.
Bidding for the selection of contractors, equipment suppliers, contractors for the construction of the TS ESPO numerous and serious violations of the law, unlawful refusal of trading
Illegal destruction of materials tenders.
and more
And so on. Stealing in full. At every stage of design and construction.
Where is unprecedented consequence? Where dozens of operational-investigative teams, toured the country? Where hundreds of people bowed, sitting on the dock?
Nothing. Money stolen. Putin pressed a button and run the project.
Effective managers pretty smile. KAMAZ with loot still go out of the gate Transneft and hide in an unknown direction. The Russian diaspora in London and Zurich grows people, real estate and a red sports car.
Russia and the whole of its multinational people utёrlis.
ESPO built. In a festive atmosphere made the last stitch. Everyone already knows, but who and what stole, but smiling.
Vice Prime Minister I. Sechin makes a symbolic inscription on the seam.
It puts the name of who personally oversaw the ESPO.
Someone who knew everything and was all over.
taken from here navalny.livejournal.com/526563.html#cutid1
immediately more comprehensive list of inspection documents
Source: http: //
But before you begin to read - look in your wallet. Maybe you did not notice, but he lost about 1 100 rubles.
Not so much for each of us, but this sum was stolen from every adult citizen of Russia. In total, we estimate that in the course of this history has been stolen at least $ 4 billion.
So. ESPO. Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean. Length - 4188 km.
He will be pumping oil in Eastern Siberia to the Far East.

The huge building. One of the biggest since Soviet times.
The real national project.
Most recently officially launched the first phase of the project (Taishet-Skorovodino) 2694 km long.
I build all this beauty of OJSC "AK" Transneft ".
The actual monopoly in oil transportation.
100% of the ordinary shares owned by the state. The private property may only be the preferred shares.

At what cost construction really nobody knows. Estimates vary even officials. Here Sechin said about 420 billion rubles. Then recount and talk about 491 billion rubles. Then they say ESPO must be expanded and it will cost more 170 billion rubles.
Clearly, such vague but vast numbers attract and excite the imagination.
All those who are close to this sector of the economy know - on building something unimaginable happened.
You can do an experiment and ask anyone associated with the oil and pipeline businesses: Tell me uncle, but as ESPO built?
I've done it many times and every time the effect was the same: the face of the subject acquired a dreamy expression, eye twitching haze:
- You know, Alex, there have cut so much that the calculator is not enough zeros to count. I would go there, at least for a day, at least for an hour - and even my great-nephew would become rich people.
Naturally, such a united reaction to the professional community spodvigla me in search of something interesting. After all, as a shareholder of Transneft I am very distressed by the size of the dividend and has investigated the story of my billions to charity, says that if these transneftyanniki are sending billions in bribes disguised as security forces, then have something.
I will not bore you with the details, briefly describe the general logic of our study:
The head of Transneft in the golden period of construction was the legendary little man named Simeon Weinstock. One of the most effective managers of the country.

He was sitting in the company from 1999 to 2007. Salvage ships KAMAZ therefore became so legendary.
Then the Kremlin decided that the share of the loot KAMAZ-directed in their direction, and therefore the need to increase Weinstock began to demolish.
And in its place establish another little man by the name of Nikolai Tokarev.
Dobavleno1 in [mergetime] 1289911041 [/ mergetime]
A former colleague and pal Vladimir Putin (photo muzhchinki this will not spread, you know it).
Since Weinstock paid all around - it was not easy to carry. And within a few months after his retirement, he continued to control the company. Therefore stripper Transneft from hostile elements, unwilling to send the loot-KAMAZ in the right direction, was given top political team: to conduct a detailed inspection honest holy of holies - the construction of the ESPO.
What was discharged and the Russian Audit Chamber, including.
Check conducted. But there was something in it is, from which it results immediately classified. The Accounts Chamber also hid his report, confining vague statement saying that "a lot of violations, but that's okay."

Our main counting palatchik, "a real officer," Sergei Stepashin mysteriously glittered ochochkah, but remained silent.
No need to be a rocket scientist to realize that the task - to find materials testing.
Well, we were looking for them. Long. It was not easy. It seems everyone knows what they are, but nobody saw.
Periodically on all sites passed the information with reference to the material, but how to check the truth or bullshit?
Soon the fairy tale, but than done. We found paper.
Not all, but an important part of them. Until a few months it has taken to confirm that the original paper and it is not a setup, and not "drain".
Where have - I will not say, but I note that in the Chamber of Accounts and Transneft operates in many people, and not all of them are crooks.
Today I present to your attention these documents.
They exceeded all our expectations.
It is called: "The materials prepared by OJSC" AK "Transneft" at the request of the Chamber of Accounts number GI-11-03-69 / 11-03 ».
This volume Daddy, in which the signatures of senior real Transneft included in the inspection committee, describes the dry language: STOLE EVERYTHING.

Steal. Overprice. They cheat with contractors. Then he destroyed the documents. Etc. etc.
All the facts and figures. Each section is signed by several experts. The entire report was adopted by the first vice-president of Transneft.
When I read it, the report several times fell from my hands. Only in the design and survey works stole 10 billion. Rubles.
In fact, all contractors were on superstroyke intermediary layers through which the money was taken out.
- That's the bomb, I thought then, and Weinstock and half of Transneft's management had to take so long and so firmly that the term of Khodorkovsky seem easy stints.
However, memory is a stubborn thing. And she always reminded me that after this remarkable test Semyon Weinstock came to the famous fighter against corruption Vladimir Putin, who sent him to the side, directly opposite the Republic of Mordovia, which made sending crooks and thieves.
Semyon Weinstock was appointed the first head of the newly established Olympic Corporation, responsible for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Many laughed a lot that day.

But he led long. Sochi - it's not East Siberia, fraud is easier to find, so Weinstock and left this post and now lives in London, where he bought a hefty piece of real estate, and Israel, which is engaged in business.
Again, take note: this is not my report, it is not the view of analysts and experts. This official materials Transneft prepared and signed by dozens of its employees.
Fragments of the materials provided by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2008:
Overestimation of the value of design and survey work conducted JSC "VNIIST" project "pipeline system" Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean ".

Inconsistency estimates for the construction of the "pipeline system" Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean "(hereinafter - TS ESPO) the requirements of the job

Oversize estimated cost of construction objects as a result of design errors and deficiencies.

Bidding for the selection of contractors, equipment suppliers, contractors for the construction of the TS ESPO numerous and serious violations of the law, unlawful refusal of trading


Illegal destruction of materials tenders.

and more

And so on. Stealing in full. At every stage of design and construction.
Where is unprecedented consequence? Where dozens of operational-investigative teams, toured the country? Where hundreds of people bowed, sitting on the dock?
Nothing. Money stolen. Putin pressed a button and run the project.

Effective managers pretty smile. KAMAZ with loot still go out of the gate Transneft and hide in an unknown direction. The Russian diaspora in London and Zurich grows people, real estate and a red sports car.
Russia and the whole of its multinational people utёrlis.
ESPO built. In a festive atmosphere made the last stitch. Everyone already knows, but who and what stole, but smiling.
Vice Prime Minister I. Sechin makes a symbolic inscription on the seam.
It puts the name of who personally oversaw the ESPO.
Someone who knew everything and was all over.
taken from here navalny.livejournal.com/526563.html#cutid1
immediately more comprehensive list of inspection documents

Source: http: //