7 secrets of a lady

- Goats! How can?! - In the hearts exclaims the woman sprayed passing cars. I did not hear an apology in his address.
Surprised elegant woman keep silent and will change. After listening to these excuses dumbfounded driver. . Having changed his plans at the root and not really worrying about this
Elegance elusive, but is visible in everything - in gait, posture, and voice conversation. The movements of the hands and an easy smile. In the smallest details that enchant passers-by and win the love of men.
On it is written a lot of articles, training, and filmed a lot of movies. But it can not be put in a box, it can only feel and radiate.
Miss elegance always mindfulness as we often absorbed a stream running Affairs, waving his arms and forehead aggressively cutting through the air? Or frowning sitting on the subway, if the competition for the most sophisticated look. Why is this happening? Because, if you do not think about the expression of his face, it becomes surprisingly sullen.
Elegant woman realizes itself every second. This - in fact, a way of life. No need to grind out a smile, but should be mindful of its image. And not only in public places - alone this woman continues to "keep themselves", and it is not a burden. Just a different one does not want and is not comfortable
The elegance - it is the habit of all basic skills:. Remember his face and his walk, keep your posture, move smoothly . The elegance can be learned, it is possible to "train". It's just like learning to get up at seven in the morning and go for a small walk in the evening.
She knows how to love yourself "elegant woman must go to the market to over it housewives were not laughing. Those who laugh in such cases, always right ... »
Coco Chanel
This woman knows how to relax, hear the silence, and can enthusiastically look at the clouds instead of the phone's screen. It does not exhaust itself. This woman loves himself.
She does not have the habit to torment himself for the happiness of others, or success at work. Because when it is calm and peaceful, and the life of the home - a joy, and at work all turns out. It charges the world power of his love, monitors the level of their batteries - and time is recharged
It can not be deduced from the equilibrium real woman joking takes the trouble, do not take. blows of fate to your account and does not waste itself on offense. After all, this is such bullshit! The fate of all gives many reasons for suffering, but if you actively use them - not enough any forces. His mental well-being should be able to put in the first place.
Miss Elegance no reason to condemn - with her self-esteem is all right. She did not find him for gossip, it does not scan, gloating, former classmates pages in social networks.
This woman knows how to accept the enthusiastic views of Luxury woman rarely remains unnoticed and is able to accept compliments and admiring glances. She is blinded by the rays of glory, but is not shy about its visibility. It recognizes himself and knows that there is nothing to be ashamed of compliments
. Why not answer trapped "but this blouse for 23 years, she even got me from my mother ..." a compliment from a colleague. You can just thank. Because it is important to appreciate yourself.
She feels comfortable in his body
If you think that a refined woman must have a wasp waist and hips chiselled - immediately burst out laughing in the face of this prejudice and forget about it forever. We often see how charmingly look soft, plump, soft lady. But only when they are able properly to beat themselves. Do not be hooped in jeans without stuffing themselves in dresses-cases two sizes smaller, and the dress itself organically. Lush form - it's really charming, and it is not necessary to put himself in the frame of modern fashion.
and does not act according to the rules. And the situation last secret: to be an organic environment. No need to go on a picnic in a narrow jacket, wear a heel hiking and roast in a suit at +30.
Do not believe those who say that the lack of a heel - is unacceptable, perfected classic - the key to success, and flowing hair - horrible moveton
. If you are confident in the cleanliness of their hairstyles - Tie up long hair. Uncomfortable with heels - koryachtes not on it, you can pick up a neat shoes or slipony on a flat course. And do not lock your individuality in rigorous black-and-white classics.
Maria Short specially for Website
Photos on the preview: Lakeshore Entertainment
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