Theft rooms and the native police
For spelling forgive.
Yesterday morning, went to the balcony to smoke and noticed that the car tied rooms and left a note. Immediately run to the car - if the front room was just twisted (held with two screws), the rear has been uprooted, broken plasmasovy holder number, the car road (do not write which one because of security concerns - Plasmas authorized dealer costs 18 300 rubles. Since I myself lived all his life abroad and do not have registration in Russia, my car on another room, and that was the reason they pull out.
On the note was a phone number and the word "number". Call certainly did not, caused the authorities - 2 cars arrived, the investigator, all other. I expected them to 2 o'clock 18 minutes. All this time I was trying to find himself room, bypassing their best in the county, raising each tire, stone board slate.
Word policemen were - we did not find the rooms, and those unlikely to catch and catch and if it is not planted, extortion, there is only stealing and stealing is not large enough. Of course once they have been made to the article 158 of the Criminal Code and it is said that the theft can be issued in small sizes and that if they want, I'm calling to them on the phone and be extortion, that's a different article. They refused on the interval. After registration of the protocol, and statements, I asked them what to do, since I'm going to go abroad these days and I want to go there. They said that is not the topic (literally said Mr. - can not remember the rank - bl * qb, yes, we know it from somewhere) and sent to the traffic police. I called the traffic police, I was not polite form sent nafig and said ezzhaj to MREO there to learn on the spot. I went in MREO - lord have not submitted, told me that it was my problem and that paying the money, found the rooms and did not distract him from the case. At the exit of MREO traffic police car was parked, I walked over and asked what I would be in this situation if my brakes without numbers and I'll give them a paper which states what the numbers were, and that they are stolen. GAI minister said that he also removed the night rooms, but he found them near the house, and also found another 3 sets of Ukrainian rooms. I decided to call the customs and learn what to do, because in a country where the car is registered in the Department of Traffic Police said that in such situations, I can give the local authorities the transit number, so I left the country. The traffic police said - we do not issue transit is canceled, solve their problem as best you can.
Customs said that, too, has nothing to do and I have to take out the car at the end of the period of temporary admission. They said also that they can prolong more than a year, if the car will vesch. dock.
Realizing that from our authorities do not accomplish anything, I went back and resumed the search, still decided to call the number and find out what and how. The room was off, call themselves, after 15 minutes, said 4,000 rubles. His words will not pass due to the same reasons of safety. After 25 minutes escho called me again and said 1000rub. My words were a topic that I am not in the market and do not bargain.
The search did not produce results, have rung through the embassies of the countries that I go and get the information that the paper from the police, I can ride transit without these numbers, but is obliged to put up signs even used paper, with the same initials as the original. Then I calmed down, that's not a problem to leave the country, and on-site replacement of rooms free of charge.
Search I have been going on for fun and understanding that not more cunning crooks me. Your search returned the result to 10 pm I found one of the rooms. I called again the police came group - expect no more than 12-15 minutes. We took a room in which prints were, and we went to the office. The department spent 5 and a half hours. I was scolded for being called, but I said that so I will write a statement to the extortion that additional article. Indications and wrote a statement and a half hours after arriving in the department. They wrote with the same gentleman who took the first time. He said that is already said to me that no one look will not, because they have a lot to do and there is a theft of larger. After that, I was expecting an investigator for 2 hours and wrote him testify escho 2:00, the investigator told me that it would be good if I had the time of Stalin, that I could not express their resentment of the organs and generally bad that the Russian legal State.
What I noticed is located in the department - brought 12 people who consumed alcohol in the street or walking down the street drunk. And brought a guy who bought a bottle of beer and went to her home, in front of his porch, he opened the bottle and took a sip, and was arrested for razpitie liquor in a public place. The guy was absolutely sober and ofigivaet from happening, the bottle was almost full vesch. dock. All the crew were brought to 3 people, one wrote in about an hour, the other two smoked and talked among themselves. My question is, it runs our valiant police, and whether it is the huge Russian criminals who need to catch, I was told - not your business. Calls are received in part on duty, and there were many, did not cause any reaction from the one who has to pick up the phone, or he told them - put on the waiting list when colleagues be released, then will approach. During the midnight came two guys who ofigivaet what their office grabanuli at 9 pm, it took more than 4 PEX hours, and the police still have not arrived, they were told - you can see we have much work and hand showed 5 drunken men who no longer were so drunk.
In the morning I went home and went to sleep. Today, I went searching and found a swarm of 2-room. Call the police to come, they took prints - prints there, it was done at 10:17 am. Today 12:28 until police officers arrived.
Conclusions: In the search, I turned to the friend who works in the Beeline, since the number of crooks was Beeline Moscow. It is not entirely legal means I have to be the area where the room, but then could not help, because without a request from the Police / Prosecutor's Office is not in his power to dig.
Our authorities are refusing to work on the segment and engaged understatement garbage. Beeline - only operator that is impossible to simplify the life of swindlers and crooks.
With my face received 8 statements to the police. On Monday, I go to the prosecutor's office with a complaint of police ministers for their behavior and words. If the prosecution does not do its job, it will write the above, if necessary, the case against the head of the Interior Ministry, the Prosecutor's Office and the Russian court in the second state, whose citizen I, too, except Russia.
People who would never, under any circumstances, send the money as it appears if the victim is not the Ministry of Interior or the FSB colonel, no one, nothing will not search, they need to catch drunk. Communicate with crook, he's a local, remember the voice, record conversations. It is very likely that the same voice you hear on the street, in stores, in restaurants and other places.
Your numbers are likely close to your car, a rare case when the numbers take their place, and ordinary people peshii and live in the theft. Effective vandalno, which implies that they have no tools, the most direct medium-sized screwdriver.
Embassy of the country whose your numbers will provide you full assistance in the recovery and removal of the machine. As I understand it, the Russian numbers are not already removed, as duplicate worth a penny.
Do not duplicate numbers in the left Cantor, on the border can catch and arrest is not worth crap.
Make an impression that the rooms were hidden very well where to find them in the head is unlikely to come, but bearing in mind that these are people who do not come up with a legal business, but simply cheat, much creativity from them should not be expected.
People who contact the police, write, write and write 100 times, overwhelm the police paper. They work for your money, they can initiate a criminal case, and because of the 35-cents.
People depend on us how the state will be Russia and how officials will work.
State number
Yesterday morning, went to the balcony to smoke and noticed that the car tied rooms and left a note. Immediately run to the car - if the front room was just twisted (held with two screws), the rear has been uprooted, broken plasmasovy holder number, the car road (do not write which one because of security concerns - Plasmas authorized dealer costs 18 300 rubles. Since I myself lived all his life abroad and do not have registration in Russia, my car on another room, and that was the reason they pull out.
On the note was a phone number and the word "number". Call certainly did not, caused the authorities - 2 cars arrived, the investigator, all other. I expected them to 2 o'clock 18 minutes. All this time I was trying to find himself room, bypassing their best in the county, raising each tire, stone board slate.
Word policemen were - we did not find the rooms, and those unlikely to catch and catch and if it is not planted, extortion, there is only stealing and stealing is not large enough. Of course once they have been made to the article 158 of the Criminal Code and it is said that the theft can be issued in small sizes and that if they want, I'm calling to them on the phone and be extortion, that's a different article. They refused on the interval. After registration of the protocol, and statements, I asked them what to do, since I'm going to go abroad these days and I want to go there. They said that is not the topic (literally said Mr. - can not remember the rank - bl * qb, yes, we know it from somewhere) and sent to the traffic police. I called the traffic police, I was not polite form sent nafig and said ezzhaj to MREO there to learn on the spot. I went in MREO - lord have not submitted, told me that it was my problem and that paying the money, found the rooms and did not distract him from the case. At the exit of MREO traffic police car was parked, I walked over and asked what I would be in this situation if my brakes without numbers and I'll give them a paper which states what the numbers were, and that they are stolen. GAI minister said that he also removed the night rooms, but he found them near the house, and also found another 3 sets of Ukrainian rooms. I decided to call the customs and learn what to do, because in a country where the car is registered in the Department of Traffic Police said that in such situations, I can give the local authorities the transit number, so I left the country. The traffic police said - we do not issue transit is canceled, solve their problem as best you can.
Customs said that, too, has nothing to do and I have to take out the car at the end of the period of temporary admission. They said also that they can prolong more than a year, if the car will vesch. dock.
Realizing that from our authorities do not accomplish anything, I went back and resumed the search, still decided to call the number and find out what and how. The room was off, call themselves, after 15 minutes, said 4,000 rubles. His words will not pass due to the same reasons of safety. After 25 minutes escho called me again and said 1000rub. My words were a topic that I am not in the market and do not bargain.
The search did not produce results, have rung through the embassies of the countries that I go and get the information that the paper from the police, I can ride transit without these numbers, but is obliged to put up signs even used paper, with the same initials as the original. Then I calmed down, that's not a problem to leave the country, and on-site replacement of rooms free of charge.
Search I have been going on for fun and understanding that not more cunning crooks me. Your search returned the result to 10 pm I found one of the rooms. I called again the police came group - expect no more than 12-15 minutes. We took a room in which prints were, and we went to the office. The department spent 5 and a half hours. I was scolded for being called, but I said that so I will write a statement to the extortion that additional article. Indications and wrote a statement and a half hours after arriving in the department. They wrote with the same gentleman who took the first time. He said that is already said to me that no one look will not, because they have a lot to do and there is a theft of larger. After that, I was expecting an investigator for 2 hours and wrote him testify escho 2:00, the investigator told me that it would be good if I had the time of Stalin, that I could not express their resentment of the organs and generally bad that the Russian legal State.
What I noticed is located in the department - brought 12 people who consumed alcohol in the street or walking down the street drunk. And brought a guy who bought a bottle of beer and went to her home, in front of his porch, he opened the bottle and took a sip, and was arrested for razpitie liquor in a public place. The guy was absolutely sober and ofigivaet from happening, the bottle was almost full vesch. dock. All the crew were brought to 3 people, one wrote in about an hour, the other two smoked and talked among themselves. My question is, it runs our valiant police, and whether it is the huge Russian criminals who need to catch, I was told - not your business. Calls are received in part on duty, and there were many, did not cause any reaction from the one who has to pick up the phone, or he told them - put on the waiting list when colleagues be released, then will approach. During the midnight came two guys who ofigivaet what their office grabanuli at 9 pm, it took more than 4 PEX hours, and the police still have not arrived, they were told - you can see we have much work and hand showed 5 drunken men who no longer were so drunk.
In the morning I went home and went to sleep. Today, I went searching and found a swarm of 2-room. Call the police to come, they took prints - prints there, it was done at 10:17 am. Today 12:28 until police officers arrived.
Conclusions: In the search, I turned to the friend who works in the Beeline, since the number of crooks was Beeline Moscow. It is not entirely legal means I have to be the area where the room, but then could not help, because without a request from the Police / Prosecutor's Office is not in his power to dig.
Our authorities are refusing to work on the segment and engaged understatement garbage. Beeline - only operator that is impossible to simplify the life of swindlers and crooks.
With my face received 8 statements to the police. On Monday, I go to the prosecutor's office with a complaint of police ministers for their behavior and words. If the prosecution does not do its job, it will write the above, if necessary, the case against the head of the Interior Ministry, the Prosecutor's Office and the Russian court in the second state, whose citizen I, too, except Russia.
People who would never, under any circumstances, send the money as it appears if the victim is not the Ministry of Interior or the FSB colonel, no one, nothing will not search, they need to catch drunk. Communicate with crook, he's a local, remember the voice, record conversations. It is very likely that the same voice you hear on the street, in stores, in restaurants and other places.
Your numbers are likely close to your car, a rare case when the numbers take their place, and ordinary people peshii and live in the theft. Effective vandalno, which implies that they have no tools, the most direct medium-sized screwdriver.
Embassy of the country whose your numbers will provide you full assistance in the recovery and removal of the machine. As I understand it, the Russian numbers are not already removed, as duplicate worth a penny.
Do not duplicate numbers in the left Cantor, on the border can catch and arrest is not worth crap.
Make an impression that the rooms were hidden very well where to find them in the head is unlikely to come, but bearing in mind that these are people who do not come up with a legal business, but simply cheat, much creativity from them should not be expected.
People who contact the police, write, write and write 100 times, overwhelm the police paper. They work for your money, they can initiate a criminal case, and because of the 35-cents.
People depend on us how the state will be Russia and how officials will work.
State number
