For 100 rubles protect rooms from thieves.
Attackers unbolted from the machine room, a large ransom for him will not be asked - but is it worth to "feed" the criminals? In addition, to protect the plates from encroachment is not so difficult. The most effective remedy for a ridiculous price sold in furniture stores.
10 photo Proof
Those who steal numbers do not have to invent anything and think. He took off his number with a screwdriver or nail puller, a janitor left a note with the phone. He waits for the call of the victim - announced ransom (usually 3-5 thousand rubles, but sometimes reaches up to 30), which should translate into an electronic wallet QIWI or Yandex (they are made, of course, on the "left" passport data). When the money is received - the victim reported the place where the hidden room. Before they could lie just around the corner, but in recent years thieves prefer to hide them at a distance from the scene of the crime. It's very simple, but to catch and punish the attackers there - including because of gaps in the legislation.
Who may suffer in the first place?
In the zone of high risk - the owners of vehicles issued in a different region or just "nice" numbers. In the first case - the car is laid up for a long time (for the renewal of you ought to go to the "home" region), in the second - the cost of the hotel rooms can be many times greater than the cost of the proposed redemption.
However, the owners of the standard rooms are not immune from trouble. The weak point in this case - the time it would have to spend to get new numbers. The idea of each crime-conscious citizen must report to the police. But when it comes to stealing the numbers, the police must be checked, after which initiate criminal proceedings or refuse to open. Verification can last up to 30 days, and for a month the owner can not receive any new numbers or drive a car (Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code Part 2 of driving without numbers punishable by a fine in 5000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for up to 3 months ).
If we turn to the traffic police, a statement about the loss of numbers in unknown circumstances, the new can be received in the same day, I pay the state duty of 2000 rubles - and produce a car is not necessary. It turns out that the owner is torn between a thirst for revenge attacks and loss (very decent) personal time. By the way, fans quickly solve problems - those who pay ransom - not just criminal business support, but often cook their new troubles. After all, thieves may be tempted again "milked" the man who once preferred to buy off from them.
What to do?
The answer is simple: if the government does not protect his property (and the rooms belong to just the state) - it is necessary to protect its own. Internet is full of a bunch of ways, but they all have a sufficiently low vandal resistance, if not converted into a law-abiding motorist like to pravnonarushitelya.
1) Anti-vandal or iron frame (from 1 000 to 10 000 rubles)
As a rule, made of stainless steel. Mounted tougher-to-bumper, fixed number or structure covering the perimeter or secret bolts. Disadvantages: the bolts do not provide adequate protection, so the same claw thieves deprive the owner of the car is not only numbers, but also anti-vandal box, bumper and trunk lid or get damaged due to uprooted bolts.
2) Alarm (1 500 to 2 500 rubles)
The ordinary registration frame embedded sensors connected to the standard alarm system. When approaching / touching the bumper triggers a siren. Disadvantages: as the rent or tear can be the number of seconds, no siren thieves do not frighten. Even more so - how long have you running to the car at night, when the fire alarm?
3) Substitution of duplicate original numbers (from 1 000 to 10 000 rubles)
Copies of the rooms are made of plastic or laminated paper, or as the original - on aluminum plates, but without the security elements and holograms, which are present on the plate. Disadvantages: In the rush for sure thieves steal and duplicate, however, there is no guarantee that the rooms will be stolen solely to hide them and ask for a ransom.
Moreover, in terms of legislation it does not copy, but very real fake. The use of which it is subject under Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code Part 4 of "Driving a vehicle with obviously false state registration marks" (for which he may be deprived of rights for up to a year). Because the exact definition of "deliberately false" in the Russian legislation does not, will have to prove their case, most likely, in court - where according to statistics of 99, 3% of the case the accused is found guilty.
Solution for 100 rubles
As always all ingenious easy - just go to the nearest market or building furniture store and buy the conventional bolts with a smooth cap, plus nuts and washers. The price set in the front and rear bumper will cost you no more than a hundred rubles (not including removal and installation of bumpers).
The main problem of all the above decisions - that number or frame holds nothing inside, so it is fairly easy to pull out, "meat" of a bumper or tailgate. In this case, mount and frame number should be through by drilling (alas!) The appropriate item. However, aesthetics does not suffer - the holes will not be visible, and if it is a metal piece, the hole can be treated with anti-corrosive paste.
1. Holders of certain machines is enough to drive the car on a lift, we had to remove the rear bumper.
2. However, this has its advantages - installation bolts will not take more than 5 minutes.
10 photo Proof

Those who steal numbers do not have to invent anything and think. He took off his number with a screwdriver or nail puller, a janitor left a note with the phone. He waits for the call of the victim - announced ransom (usually 3-5 thousand rubles, but sometimes reaches up to 30), which should translate into an electronic wallet QIWI or Yandex (they are made, of course, on the "left" passport data). When the money is received - the victim reported the place where the hidden room. Before they could lie just around the corner, but in recent years thieves prefer to hide them at a distance from the scene of the crime. It's very simple, but to catch and punish the attackers there - including because of gaps in the legislation.
Who may suffer in the first place?
In the zone of high risk - the owners of vehicles issued in a different region or just "nice" numbers. In the first case - the car is laid up for a long time (for the renewal of you ought to go to the "home" region), in the second - the cost of the hotel rooms can be many times greater than the cost of the proposed redemption.

However, the owners of the standard rooms are not immune from trouble. The weak point in this case - the time it would have to spend to get new numbers. The idea of each crime-conscious citizen must report to the police. But when it comes to stealing the numbers, the police must be checked, after which initiate criminal proceedings or refuse to open. Verification can last up to 30 days, and for a month the owner can not receive any new numbers or drive a car (Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code Part 2 of driving without numbers punishable by a fine in 5000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for up to 3 months ).
If we turn to the traffic police, a statement about the loss of numbers in unknown circumstances, the new can be received in the same day, I pay the state duty of 2000 rubles - and produce a car is not necessary. It turns out that the owner is torn between a thirst for revenge attacks and loss (very decent) personal time. By the way, fans quickly solve problems - those who pay ransom - not just criminal business support, but often cook their new troubles. After all, thieves may be tempted again "milked" the man who once preferred to buy off from them.
What to do?
The answer is simple: if the government does not protect his property (and the rooms belong to just the state) - it is necessary to protect its own. Internet is full of a bunch of ways, but they all have a sufficiently low vandal resistance, if not converted into a law-abiding motorist like to pravnonarushitelya.
1) Anti-vandal or iron frame (from 1 000 to 10 000 rubles)
As a rule, made of stainless steel. Mounted tougher-to-bumper, fixed number or structure covering the perimeter or secret bolts. Disadvantages: the bolts do not provide adequate protection, so the same claw thieves deprive the owner of the car is not only numbers, but also anti-vandal box, bumper and trunk lid or get damaged due to uprooted bolts.
2) Alarm (1 500 to 2 500 rubles)
The ordinary registration frame embedded sensors connected to the standard alarm system. When approaching / touching the bumper triggers a siren. Disadvantages: as the rent or tear can be the number of seconds, no siren thieves do not frighten. Even more so - how long have you running to the car at night, when the fire alarm?
3) Substitution of duplicate original numbers (from 1 000 to 10 000 rubles)
Copies of the rooms are made of plastic or laminated paper, or as the original - on aluminum plates, but without the security elements and holograms, which are present on the plate. Disadvantages: In the rush for sure thieves steal and duplicate, however, there is no guarantee that the rooms will be stolen solely to hide them and ask for a ransom.
Moreover, in terms of legislation it does not copy, but very real fake. The use of which it is subject under Article 12.2 of the Administrative Code Part 4 of "Driving a vehicle with obviously false state registration marks" (for which he may be deprived of rights for up to a year). Because the exact definition of "deliberately false" in the Russian legislation does not, will have to prove their case, most likely, in court - where according to statistics of 99, 3% of the case the accused is found guilty.
Solution for 100 rubles
As always all ingenious easy - just go to the nearest market or building furniture store and buy the conventional bolts with a smooth cap, plus nuts and washers. The price set in the front and rear bumper will cost you no more than a hundred rubles (not including removal and installation of bumpers).

The main problem of all the above decisions - that number or frame holds nothing inside, so it is fairly easy to pull out, "meat" of a bumper or tailgate. In this case, mount and frame number should be through by drilling (alas!) The appropriate item. However, aesthetics does not suffer - the holes will not be visible, and if it is a metal piece, the hole can be treated with anti-corrosive paste.
1. Holders of certain machines is enough to drive the car on a lift, we had to remove the rear bumper.

2. However, this has its advantages - installation bolts will not take more than 5 minutes.
