5 puzzles that break your idea of logic
Thirty four million three hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred seventy eight
Some puzzles can almost drive us crazy due to the fact that to find a solution fails. And how are we surprised when it turns out that the answer was well, too obvious.
Specially for all fans stretch their brains Site have gathered 5 of the mysteries over which you will have to think long before saying, "Eureka!»
1 mystery
Sixty three million two hundred ninety thousand six hundred thirty six
Riddle number 2
Sixteen million four hundred ninety one thousand two hundred forty seven
Riddle number 3
Nineteen million five hundred thirty three thousand six hundred fifty eight
Riddle number 4
Ten million five hundred twenty two thousand one hundred twenty four
You need to connect all the dots with just three lines. To know the answer, click on the picture.
Riddle number 5
Eighty four million seven hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred twenty four
See also
4 children's puzzles that the teeth do not each adult
This simple children's puzzle was not on the shoulder of many adults
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/eta-prostaya-detskaya-golovolomka-okazalas-ne-po-plechu-mnogim-vzroslym-1435665/
Some puzzles can almost drive us crazy due to the fact that to find a solution fails. And how are we surprised when it turns out that the answer was well, too obvious.
Specially for all fans stretch their brains Site have gathered 5 of the mysteries over which you will have to think long before saying, "Eureka!»
1 mystery

Sixty three million two hundred ninety thousand six hundred thirty six
Riddle number 2

Sixteen million four hundred ninety one thousand two hundred forty seven
Riddle number 3

Nineteen million five hundred thirty three thousand six hundred fifty eight
Riddle number 4

Ten million five hundred twenty two thousand one hundred twenty four
You need to connect all the dots with just three lines. To know the answer, click on the picture.
Riddle number 5

Eighty four million seven hundred sixty three thousand seven hundred twenty four
See also
4 children's puzzles that the teeth do not each adult
This simple children's puzzle was not on the shoulder of many adults
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/eta-prostaya-detskaya-golovolomka-okazalas-ne-po-plechu-mnogim-vzroslym-1435665/