Logical thinking and everyday absurdity
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Mind is just flow of thoughts. Logical thinking is a rare form of thinking required in schools in the classroom and check in the tests for intelligence. In logical thinking people use clear concepts and think logically.
However, it is important to understand the people themselves to logic not inclined. If people logic not to teach and to logic, not to teach, people tend to not think logically, and how it is easier or as profitable for them. In everyday life people use logical thinking not only not always, but rather rarely, replacing his mental habits, for interesting reasons, and sometimes clearly absurd.
Psychologist I. V. Latypov made an interesting selection of home around psychological absurdity:
I'm fat worthless pimply freak. Why girls don't see my virtues?!
Teach you how to cast women as the reason they want an explanation.
I read a lot of books on psychology. It's a delusion of some kind. Prove that it is not.
Tell me what I want.
How to cheat on your wife and not your conscience?
Explain to me how to learn to relax, but consider that I don't get a lot of time.
I need to break up with a guy, but so that he continued to love me.
How do I leave the man I don't want to leave?
How to gain confidence in this world of bastards and scum?
How do I explain to my wife that if she leaves me it will be better for her?
How can I stop feeling and start to finally live a normal life?
I want to not want want.
I'm afraid of my wife. Wish she too were afraid of me.
Show me how you working, but not for me — I need to make a decision, to take you by the therapist, or not.
It annoys me when my husband threatened to kill me. As irritated?
I am a strong and confident woman, I never complain to any of his problems. Why everyone thinks I'm a hassle-free and nobody wants to help?!
I'm sorry, the problems with erection. To hell with them, with the relationship with my wife — she's a bitch, you tell me better how to make to stand. With other bitches too, does not work.
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I'm struggling to have time at work and at home. Where I need to put more efforts to finally start to catch?
I'm always in a hurry, too customize events... Although, I think you will not help here.
I love the guy, but I do not have... As him to take revenge for it?
He hits me, makes fun of and constantly threatening divorce. You can explain to him that divorce is too much?
I have decided to part with her, but she could not guess.
This guy fails to understand is that if I ignore it and look down on him, it means that I like him. Don't know what else to do, so he understood it.
It's her and not me. That is, on the contrary, it's not about me and her. Ugh...
I can't take it anymore. Make me anything, but don't ask me about anything!
I love my son. It is a pity that he is not a girl.
He can't stand the truth. I tell him that he's the shit, and he curses in response. I told you – he only wants a sweet lie!
Tell me I'm not stupid! Now, you said it, and I feel like a complete idiot...
You said I was psychologically dependent on the mother... I think you're right, and I talked about it with my mom.
I don't understand why you get mad when I insult you? You're a psychologist!
I understand that you, psychologists are not magicians, and that I will eventually have to do it by myself. Just give me a step by step instruction how to live, and I'll take it.
In research in mathematics and logical thinking is absolutely necessary. The business requirements to the logic of thinking is also quite high, but the speed and practicality of thinking there are also more in demand than strict consistency.
Whether you need logical thinking to you? If you don't love anyone and life just fun, you can talk without thinking and think without logic. Who are you to deny? If you plan to take care of at least about myself, especially to give something meaningful to those who are dear to you, will you follow your own logic, you turn your head, you will live as a man. I wish you success.
Authors: I. V. Latypov, N. And. Goats
Source: /users/1077
Mind is just flow of thoughts. Logical thinking is a rare form of thinking required in schools in the classroom and check in the tests for intelligence. In logical thinking people use clear concepts and think logically.
However, it is important to understand the people themselves to logic not inclined. If people logic not to teach and to logic, not to teach, people tend to not think logically, and how it is easier or as profitable for them. In everyday life people use logical thinking not only not always, but rather rarely, replacing his mental habits, for interesting reasons, and sometimes clearly absurd.
Psychologist I. V. Latypov made an interesting selection of home around psychological absurdity:
I'm fat worthless pimply freak. Why girls don't see my virtues?!
Teach you how to cast women as the reason they want an explanation.
I read a lot of books on psychology. It's a delusion of some kind. Prove that it is not.
Tell me what I want.
How to cheat on your wife and not your conscience?
Explain to me how to learn to relax, but consider that I don't get a lot of time.
I need to break up with a guy, but so that he continued to love me.
How do I leave the man I don't want to leave?
How to gain confidence in this world of bastards and scum?
How do I explain to my wife that if she leaves me it will be better for her?
How can I stop feeling and start to finally live a normal life?
I want to not want want.
I'm afraid of my wife. Wish she too were afraid of me.
Show me how you working, but not for me — I need to make a decision, to take you by the therapist, or not.
It annoys me when my husband threatened to kill me. As irritated?
I am a strong and confident woman, I never complain to any of his problems. Why everyone thinks I'm a hassle-free and nobody wants to help?!
I'm sorry, the problems with erection. To hell with them, with the relationship with my wife — she's a bitch, you tell me better how to make to stand. With other bitches too, does not work.
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I'm struggling to have time at work and at home. Where I need to put more efforts to finally start to catch?
I'm always in a hurry, too customize events... Although, I think you will not help here.
I love the guy, but I do not have... As him to take revenge for it?
He hits me, makes fun of and constantly threatening divorce. You can explain to him that divorce is too much?
I have decided to part with her, but she could not guess.
This guy fails to understand is that if I ignore it and look down on him, it means that I like him. Don't know what else to do, so he understood it.
It's her and not me. That is, on the contrary, it's not about me and her. Ugh...
I can't take it anymore. Make me anything, but don't ask me about anything!
I love my son. It is a pity that he is not a girl.
He can't stand the truth. I tell him that he's the shit, and he curses in response. I told you – he only wants a sweet lie!
Tell me I'm not stupid! Now, you said it, and I feel like a complete idiot...
You said I was psychologically dependent on the mother... I think you're right, and I talked about it with my mom.
I don't understand why you get mad when I insult you? You're a psychologist!
I understand that you, psychologists are not magicians, and that I will eventually have to do it by myself. Just give me a step by step instruction how to live, and I'll take it.
In research in mathematics and logical thinking is absolutely necessary. The business requirements to the logic of thinking is also quite high, but the speed and practicality of thinking there are also more in demand than strict consistency.
Whether you need logical thinking to you? If you don't love anyone and life just fun, you can talk without thinking and think without logic. Who are you to deny? If you plan to take care of at least about myself, especially to give something meaningful to those who are dear to you, will you follow your own logic, you turn your head, you will live as a man. I wish you success.
Authors: I. V. Latypov, N. And. Goats
Source: /users/1077