Mrs Hudson called the police, her necklace was missing, but no trace of burglary was found

Developed logical thinking You can confidently navigate in any incomprehensible situation. And even in everyday life, the ability to build logical chains in your head helps you feel more comfortable.

And so the editorial board. "Site" regularly offers readers all kinds of puzzles and puzzles. After all, this is not only a pleasant pastime and a way to distract from pressing problems, but also an effective training for the mind.

And today we found some interesting puzzles for you. This is a great way to save a few minutes.

Developed logical thinking
  1. There was a knock on the hotel door. The guest opened and saw a stranger. He mumbled, “Sorry, it looks like I got the wrong door.” For some reason I thought it was my number.” He turned and headed for the elevator. And the observant lady, without losing a second, called security. Why did the stranger seem suspicious? What was so strange about his behavior?

  2. The second story took place on a Japanese ship. The captain of the ship left his gold ring on the table. Just 15 minutes later, he remembered the jewel and immediately rushed to search. The ring was no longer on the table. And it could take only someone from the nearby trinity: engineer, sailor and cook. The captain called these men and asked them what they had been doing lately. The engineer said he had to work in the engine room. Cock assured that he wasn't distracted from cooking lunch. The sailor said that he climbed the mast to flip the flag, because it hung wrong. After listening to all three, the captain immediately identified the thief. But how did he do that?

  3. Mrs Hudson went to police saying her vintage necklace was missing. Arriving police officers found no trace of a break-in. However, one window was broken. Also in the room there was a complete mess, dirty tracks were visible on the floor. The next day, Mrs. Hudson was arrested for fraud. Why did the police come to this conclusion?

Answers to puzzles
  1. The hotel guest immediately suspected that she was in front of a real thief, who checked if there was anyone in the room. After all, an honest person is unlikely to knock on the door of his room, he has a key.

  2. An experienced navigator quickly realized who was trying to deceive him. The explanations of the engineer and the coke were quite convincing, but the sailor became the main suspect. Surely. Japanese There's no need to flip. A red circle on a white background cannot be hung incorrectly.
  3. The police carefully examined the place where the necklace was missing. The general mess has not baffled the real professionals. Experienced detectives drew attention to the fact that the broken glass lies outside the house, not in the room itself. So the window was broken from the inside. So the landlady did it, because only she could break into the house without breaking in.

As you can see, logic It helped the heroes of our article solve all the puzzles. Have you managed to build the right logical chains? Share your answers in the comments. And also solve our other problems to keep your precious brain in good shape.


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